Pathology Ch 29 The Eye Flashcards
What are the two most common primary tumors of the optic nerve?
Glioma and Meningioma (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: characterized histologically by chronic inflammation and replacement of orbital fat by fibrosis
Idiopathic orbital inflammation (TOPNOTCH)
What is the most common malignancy of the eyelid?
Basal cell carcinoma (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: histological hallmark is the thinning of the cornea with breaks in the Bowman’s layer
Keratoconus (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: deposition of calcium in Bowmans layer
Calcific Band keratopathy (TOPNOTCH)
This type of keratopathy develops in patients who are exposed chronically to high levels of ultraviolet light
Actinic band keratopathy (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: numerous drop like excrescences - guttata- protrude downward from Descemet’s membrane
Fuchs dystrophy (TOPNOTCH)
Also known as the End-Stage Eye
Phthisis Bulbi (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: diffuse loss of ganglion cells and thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer, in advanced cases, the optic nerve is both cupped and atrophic
Glaucomatous optic nerve damage (TOPNOTCH)
Flexner Wintersteine Rosettes
Retinoblastoma (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: a neovascular membrane is positioned between the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruchs membrane
Age related macular degeneration (TOPNOTCH)
“waxy pallor” of the optic disk
Retinitis Pigmentosa (TOPNOTCH)
In this condition, both rods and cones are lost to apoptosis
Retinitis Pigmentosa (TOPNOTCH)
Elschnig’ spots
Malignant hypertension (TOPNOTCH)
What is known to be a reliable histological marker of diabetes mellitus in the eye?
Thickening of the BM of the epithelium of the pars plicata of the ciliary body (TOPNOTCH)