Pathology Ch 23 Breast Flashcards
Morphology: characterized chiefly by dilations of ducts, inspissation of breast secretions, and marked periductal and interstitial chronic granulomatous reaction
Mammary Duct Ectasia (TOPNOTCH)
What are the 3 principal patterns of morphologic changes seen in Fibrocystic Changes of the breast?
- Cyst formation with apocrine metaplasia
- Fibrosis
- Adenosis (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: “leaflike” architecture
Phyllodes Tumor (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: proliferation of intralobular stroma surrounding and often pushing and distorting the associated epithelium. The border is sharply delimited from the surrounding tissue
Fibroadenoma (TOPNOTCH)
What is the most important prognostic factor useful as a predictive factor for the response of therapy in patients with breast cancer?
Presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors (TOPNOTCH)
In breast cancer, what is the most important prognostic factor for invasive carcinoma in the absence of distant metastases?
Lymph node metastases (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: tumor cells are prsent as small clusters within large pools of mucin
Mucinous colloid carcinoma (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: characterized by solid syncytium like sheets occupying 75% of the tumor , prominent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and a non inflitrative border
Medullary carcinoma of the breast (TOPNOTCH)
The histologic hallmark of this tumor is the pattern of single infiltrating tumor cells, often only one cell in width, or in loose clusters or sheets
Invasive lobular carcinoma (TOPNOTCH)
This is a rare manifestation of breast cancer and presents as a unilateral erythematous eruption with a scale crust
Paget disease (TOPNOTCH)
These are stellate lesions characterized by a central nidus of entrapped glands in a hyalinized stroma
Complex Sclerosing Lesion or Radial Scar (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: composed of multiple branching fibrovascular cores, each having a connective tissue axis lined by luminal and myoepithelial cells
Papillomas (TOPNOTCH)
What is the most common clinical presentation of breast disease
The principal mammographic signs of breast carcinoma
densities and calfications (TOPNOTCH)
Morphology: the main histologic feature is keratinizing squamous epithelium extending to an abnormal depth into the orifices of the nipple ducts
Periductal mastitis (TOPNOTCH)