Pathology Flashcards
ASA score
5 being worst
Add e for emergency
Differ ASA 4&5
4 having constant threat to life
5 won’t survive without surgery
What is ASA 6
Brain death
Time needed to see callus on x-ray and its clinical importance
3 weeks
Differ new or old fracture
Osteoclast activity in fracture
Removing the trabecular bone
What is wallerian degeneration
when a nerve fiber is cut or crushed and the part of the axon distal to the injury (which in most cases is farther from the neuron’s cell body) degenerates.
Degeneration of myelin sheath and phagocytosis by macrophages
Relation of AIDS with CBC
T cell deficiency
Relation of neutrophils with granulomatous disease
N can cause granulomatous disease
Microscopic finding of sarcoidosis
Asteroid bodies
What forms collagen
Predominant cell in wound more than 6 weeks old
What is vasculogenesis
Formation of new vessel from mesenchyme
What is angiogenesis
Sprouting out of vessel from an existing vessel
Major cell of wound healing
Macrophages (but it is not chr. Inflam)
Which transforms into Fibroblast
Which transforms into myofibroblast
Differ delayed primary closure and secondary closure
D.pri. is before granulation tissue
Secondary after granulation tissue