Pathological morphology - inflammation Flashcards
Inflammation is
mostly sporadically occurring defence reaction of the body. Its aim is to reduce or remove the causative pathogenic factor and to restore the damaged tissue.
Main cell types at work during inflammation? (5)
Tissue macrophages,
mast cells,
platelets, and
endothelial cells
The Two main cytokines released first during inflammation in order to initaite inflammatory cascades
tissue necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and interleukin (IL)–1
morphological characteristics of inflammation (3)
clinical characteristics of inflammation (5)
dolor / pain
calor / heat
rubor / redness
tumor / swelling
function laesa / loss of function
First cycle of inflammatory reaction involves:
stasis and
diapedesis of granulocytes
In the event of inflammation with domination of hyperemia, results in
Congestive and hemorrhagic inflammation
In the event of inflammation with domination of exudation, results in
Exudative inflammation
In the event of inflammation with domination of granulocytic diapedesis, results in
Purulent inflammation
In the event of inflammation with domination of monoclear cell diapedesis, results in
granulomas and infiltrates
major cell of acute inflamamtion, phagocytic
neutrophil granulocyte
cell type to cause tissue injury
eosinophil granulocyte
when activated produces cytokines, chemokines, proteases and oxidative radicals
another name for mast cells
main cells of chronic inflammatory reactions
what are plasma cells
Plasma cells develop from B lymphocytes.
There are two main types of B-cells: plasma cells and memory cells.
Normally, when bacteria or viruses enter the body, some of the B cells will change into plasma cells.
Plasma cells release antibodies in response to antigens.
Name 6 mast cell degranulation stimulants.
immune complex binding with IgE
Anaphylacice toxins C3a & C5a
bacterial toxins
proteolytic enzymes
some types of prostaglandins
Name 6-7 substances released from mast cells upon degranulation.
vasoactive amines: histamine and serotonin
prostaglandin D 2 alfa
eosinophil cheotactic factor (ECFa)
platelet activating factor
A monokine is
a type of cytokine produced primarily by monocytes and macrophages.
Lymphokines are
a subset of cytokines that are produced by a type of immune cell known as a lymphocyte.
define omphalitis
omphal- = navel
Omphalitis is an infection of the umbilicus and/or surrounding tissues, occurring primarily in the neonatal period.
identify what is seen here
red hepatization
exudative inflammation> pneumonia
identify what is seen here
exudative inflammation> pneumonia
define purulent inflammation
Also called suppurative inflammation.
An acute form of exudative inflammation in which the enzymes produced by white blood cells cause liquefaction of the affected tissues, resulting in the formation of pus.
bordered inflammatory cell infiltration can be termed?
note granulomas can be either nonimmunological (foreign body) or immunological (e.g. tuberculosis)