Pathological morphology - bleeding etc. Flashcards
coughing up of blood or bloody sputum from the lungs or airway (haemoptoe).
vomiting of blood
uterine bleeding
patch contusion could also be called
Ecchymosis so a bruise
Vibex is what
An extensive patch of subcutaneous extravasation of blood. /enlengthened contusion
Sugillation means
a pointed, confluent subcutaneous contusion so another word for a type of bruise
subcutaneous, bigger than sugillation. A big bruise essentially
haemorrhagic diathesis is
a predisposition to abnormal blood clotting, caused by disturbances in blood clotting process.
haemorrhagic infiltration
tissues may infiltrate with blood
Extravasate can pressurise tissues and cause their atrophy, often damaging.
Extravasate to tissues and cavities will
clot, leukocytes disintegrate, erythrocytes undergo lysis and the pigments hemosiderin and hematoidin
are formed from hemoglobin.
Lymphostasis is
interruption of lymph circulation and blockade of
lymph flow in tissues due to obstructed vessels or excessive production of lymph in tissues.
gross enlargement
Chronic lymphostasis and proliferation of connective tissue may cause hindlimb elephantiasis.
Lymphorrhagia is
escape of lymph from a damaged vessel.
Lymph vessels that are extremely filled up with lymph can rupture easily, even after minor traumas.
Lymph extravasate is
lymph leakage in the soft connective tissue.
It occurs more often in the subcutaneous and intramuscular tissues and gain the maximum volume on the 3–4 day after the trauma.
Lymph extravasates look similar to
edemas, they fluctuate and contain yellowish transparent liquid – lymph.
They result in connective tissue changes in tissues, or sometimes they encapsulate and form cysts, and
if complications develop, they can cause skin necrosis and mucous processes.
In case of thoracic duct rupture, what two things might occur?
In case of thoracic duct rupture chylous ascites and hydrothorax may occur.
Thrombosis of lymph vessels occurs due to
inflammation of lymph vessels and the tissue around them.
With septic conditions and wide-spread peritonitis, when the lymph is filled with cell elements and fibrinogen, even thoracic duct thrombus may develop.
Filtration of the fluid components of blood (blood serum) into tissues and body cavities is
transudation (transsudatio)
the serous liquid in the tissues and cavities is
transudate (transsudatum).Transudate contains up to 2% of protein.
Transudation depends on (3-4)
the difference in hydrostatic pressure in
tissues and blood vessels,
the difference of osmotic pressure (in blood and tissue fluid),
the difference of oncotic pressure,
but also on the permeability of blood vessels and the unobstructed flow in blood and lymph vessels.
Edema is is a condition of ?
Whilst hydrops is..?
of abnormally large fluid volume in tissues,
with hydrops it accumulates in body cavities as well.
Inflammatory edemas are
a separate category of edemas. In that case there is more protein in the fluid (more than 2%). That is inflammatory exudate (exudatum).
Describe skin edema (3)
the subcutaneous connective tissue thickens, the edema is of doughy consistency,
and when pushed with a finger a dent is
noticeable and fills very slowly. (pitting)
Edema of mucous membrane makes the
thick and corrugated.
With pulmonary edema the transudate accumulates in
alveoli and moves to bronchi and trachea from there.
When palpated, the lungs are doughy and their cut surfaces ooze watery fluid with air bubbles.
Acute edemas disappear after the
underlying causes are removed, chronic edemas cause
formation of connective tissue.
Edemas and hydrops are reversible processes. They disappear, when the underlying causes are eliminated. The transudate will absorb, the
damaged tissues will regenerate. Irreversible changes occur, if
the tissues have undergone permanent connective tissue changes.
Newborn and young animals are especially sensitive to dehydration, as they have
about twice as much extracellular fluid as adult