Passmed Orthopaedics Mushkies Flashcards
What is the usual mechanism by which an AC joint injury typically occurs?
How are AC joint injuries graded?
from I to VI depending on the degree of separation
How are AC joint injuries managed?
- I and II = conservative rx with sling and immobilisation
- III = depends on individual circumstances
- IV, V and VI are rare and require surgical intervention
What is the initial imaging modality of choice for Achilles tendon rupture?
What are risk factors for achilles tendon disorders?
- Quinolone (e.g. ciprofloxacin) use
2. Hypercholesterolaemia (predisposes to tendon xanthoma)
What are the features of achilles tendinopathy?
- Gradual onset of posterior heel pain that is worse following activity
2, Morning pain and stiffness common
How does one examine for achilles tendon rupture?
Simmond’s triad
- Abnormal angle of declination, with possible greater dorsiflexion of injured foot (Matles test)
- Gap in the tendon
- Foot will stay in neutral position when calf is squeezed (Thompson test)
What are features of lateral epicondylitis?
- Pain and tenderness localised to the lateral epicondyle
- Pain worse on resisted wrist extension with the elbow extended or supination of the forearm with the elbow extended
- Episodes last between 6 months and 2 years, with pts tending to have acute pain for 6-12 weeks
What are features of medial epicondylitis?
- Pain and tenderness localised to the medial epicondyle
- Pain is aggravated by wrist flexion and pronation
- Numbness/tingling in the 4th and 5th finger due to ulnar nerve involvement
What are features of radial tunnel syndrome?
- Symptoms similar to lateral epicondylitis, making it difficult to diagnose
- However, pain tends to be 4-5cm distal to the lateral epicondyle
- Symptoms worsened by extending the elbow and pronating the forearm
What is the most common cause of radial tunnel syndrome?
Most commonly due to compression of the posterior interosseous branch of the radial nerve
What is cubital tunnel syndrome?
Compression of the ulnar nerve as it passes through the cubital tunnel
What are features of cubital tunnel syndrome?
- Initially intermittent tingling in the 4th and 5th finger
- May be worse when the elbow is resting on a firm surface or flexed for extended periods
- Later numbness in the 4th and 5th finger associated with weakness
What are features of olecranon bursitis?
- Swelling over the posterior aspect of the elbow
- May be associated pain, warmth and erythema
- Typically affects middle-aged male patients
What demographic of pts does Perthes disease typically affect?
4-8 y/o, 5M:1F
What are some X-ray features of Perthes disease?
Widening of joint space and flattening of the femoral head
What are 5 red flags for lower back pain?
- Age = <20 y/o or >50 y/o
- Hx of malignancy
- Hx of trauma
- Night pain
- Systematically unwell (FLAWS)
What is the most likely cause of an asymptomatic, fluctuant swelling behind the knee in a child?
Baker’s cyst
What are Baker’s cysts?
They are not true cysts, but are in fact a distension of the gastrocnemius-semimembrnaosus bursa
How can you classify Baker’s cysts?
- Primary = no underlying pathology, typically seen in children
- Secondary = underlying condition such as osteoarthritis, typically seen in adults
How does one manage a Baker’s cyst?
- In children they typically resolve and do not require rx
2. In adults, the underlying cause should be rx where appropriate
What causes Osgood-Schlatter disease?
Multiple small avulsion fractures within the ossification centre of the tibial tuberosity at the inferior attachment of the patellar ligament
What is the structure that is divided in the surgical management of carpal tunnel syndrome?
The flexor retinaculum
What are the typical findings in a Hx of a pt with carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Pain/pins and needles in the thumb, index and middle finger
- Pt shakes their hand to obtain relief, typically at night
- Unusually, the symptoms may ‘ascend’ proximally
What may you find on examination of a pt with carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Weakness of thumb abduction (ABP)
- Wasting of thenar eminence (NOT hypothenar)
- Tinnel’s sign = tapping causes paraesthesia
- Phalen’s test = flexion of wrist causes pain
What are some causes of Carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Idiopathic
- Pregnancy
- Oedema e.g. HF
- Lunate fracture
- RhA
What do you find upon performing EP in carpal tunnel syndrome?
Motor and sensory prolongation of the action potential
What is the management for carpal tunnel syndrome?
1 .Corticosteroid injections
- Wrist splints at night
- Surgical decompression
What is compartment syndrome?
Raised pressure within a closed anatomical space, with the raised pressure eventually compromising tissue perfusion, resulting in tissue necrosis
What are the 2 main fractures carrying a risk of compartment syndrome?
- Supracondylar fractures
2. Tibial shaft injuries
How does one diagnose compartment syndrome?
By measurement of intracompartmental pressures = pressures >20mmHg are abnormal and >40mmHg are diagnostic
What is the management for compartment syndrome?
Prompt and extensive fasciotomies
What may have to be considered if muscle groups are frankly necrotic at fasciotomy?
Debridement and amputation
In what time frame does death of a muscle group start to occur?
4-6 hours
Why do pts with compartment syndrome require aggressive IV fluids?
Myoglobinuria may occur following fasciotomy and result in AKI
What is the management for an undisplaced, intracapsular hip fracture?
- No comorbidities = internal fixation (esp. if young)
2. Major comorbidities = hemiarthroplasties
What is the management for a displaced, intracapsular fracture in a pt with no co-morbidities?
- Age < 70 = internal fixation if possible
2. Age > 70 = total hip arthroplasty
What is the management for a displaced, intracapsular fracture in a pt with major comorbidities?
What is the management for an extracapsular fracture (non-special type)?
Dynamic hip screw
What is the management for an extracapsular fracture (reverse oblique, transverse or sub-trochanteric)?
Intramedullary device
What is the more formal term for a Charcot joint?
Neuropathic arthropathy
What causes a Charcot joint?
Progressive degeneration of a weight-bearing joint due to loss of sensation
What is the most likely cause of a non-tender, swollen, erythematous, hot foot?
An acute Charcot joint
What are 3 causes of Charcot’s joints?
- DM
- Alcohol
- Syphilis (Tabes dorsalis)
What is the likely cause of knee pain in a 19 year old girl which is worse when walking down the stairs and when sitting still?
Chondromalacia patallae
What is the mainstay of management for chondromalacia patellae?
Knee pain after being hit with a hockey stick with a normal X ray?
Patellar dislocation - may spontaneously reduce when the leg is straightened`
What is the most common cause of heel pain in adults?
Plantar fasciitis
What is a Morton’s neuroma?
Thickening of the tissue around the nerve, usually between the 3rd and 4th toes
Where is pain most typically worst in plantar fasciitis?
Around the medial calcaneal tuberosity
What is the management of plantar fasciitis?
- Rest the feet where possible
- Wear shoes with good arch support and cushioned heels
- Insoles and heel pads may be helpful
Twisting sporting injury followed by delayed onset of knee swelling and locking are suggestive of a?
Menisceal tear
What is the usual management for a menisceal tear?
Arthroscopic meniscectomy
How does a ruptured ACL typically present?
- Mechanism = high twisting force applied to a bent knee
2. Typically presents with loud crack, pain, and rapid joint swelling (haemarthrosis)
How does a ruptured PCL typically present?
- Mechanism = hyperextension injuries
2. Tibia lies back on the femur with a paradoxical anterior draw test
How does a ruptured MCL present?
- Mechanism = leg forced into valgus via force outside the leg
- Knee unstable when put into valgus position
What are the 2 types of patellar dislocation?
- Direct blow to patella causing undisplaced fragments
2. Avulsion fracture
What are some features of a Tibial plateau fracture?
- Occur in the elderly (or young following significant trauma)
- Mechanism = knee forced into valgus/varus, but the knee fractures before the ligaments fracture
- Varus injury affects medial plateau and valgus injury affects lateral plateau
What classification system is used for tibial plateau fractures?
The Schatzker classification system
What are 5 types of paediatric fracture?
- Complete = both sides of cortex breached
- Toddlers = oblique tibial fracture in infants
- Plastic deformity = deformity without cortical disruption
- Greenstick = unilateral cortical breach only
- Buckle = incomplete cortical disruption resulting in periosteal haematoma only
What are the 5 Salter-Harris types?
- Through physis only
- Through physis and metaphysis
- Through physis and epiphysis
- Through metaphysis, physis and epiphysis
- Crush injury only involving physis
What are 2 conditions that can cause pathological fractures in young people?
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
2. Osteopetrosis
What is De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
Inflammation of the tendons on the lateral aspect of the wrist and thumb, in the first dorsal compartment i.e. abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons
What test can be done to diagnose De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
Finkelstein’s test = grab the thumb and ulnar deviate the hand sharply, leading to pain along the distal radius
How doe De Quervain’s tenosynovitis present?
- Pain on the radial side of the wrist
- Tenderness over the radial styloid process
- Abduction of the thumb against resistance is painful
What is the management of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
- Analgesia
- Steroid injection
- Immobilisation with thumb splint (spica) may be effective
- Surgical Tx is sometimes required
Where is the distal fragment displaced in a Colles fracture?
Where is the distal fragment displaced in a Smith’s fracture?
What is a galeazzi fracture?
Fracture of the wrist with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint
What are the 3 features of a classic Colles’ fracture?
1 .Transverse fracture of the radius
- 1 inch proximal to the radio-carpal joint
- Dorsal displacement and angulation
Foot drop after a low anterior resection, what nerve is damaged?
Peroneal nerve
Groin pain after inguinal hernia repair, what nerve is damaged?
Ilioinguinal nerve
Foot drop after a total hip replacement via a posterior approach, what nerve is damaged?
Sciatic nerve
What are the muscular components of the lower limb?
- Anterior compartment
- Peroneal compartment
- Superficial posterior compartment
- Deep posterior compartment
What are the muscles of the anterior compartment of the lower limb?
- Tibialis anterior
- Peroneus tertius
- Extensor hallucis longus
- Extensor digitorum longus
What nerve supplies the anterior compartment of the lower limb?
Deep peroneal nerve
What is the function of tibialis anterior?
Dorsiflexes ankle, inverts foot
What is the function of peroneus tertius?
Dorsiflexes ankle, everts foot
What is the function of extensor hallucis longus?
Dorsiflexes ankle, extends big toe
What is the function of extensor digitorum longus?
Dorsiflexes ankle, extends lateral 4 toes
What are the muscles of the peroneal compartment of the lower limb?
Peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
What nerve supplies the peroneal compartment of the lower limb?
Superficial peroneal nerve
What is the function of peroneus longus?
Everts foot, assists in ankle plantar flexion
What is the function of peroneus brevis?
Plantar flexes ankle
What are the muscles of the superficial posterior compartment of the lower limb?
Gastrocnemius and soleus
What nerve supplies the superficial posterior compartment of the lower limb?
Tibial nerve
What is the function of gastrocnemius?
Plantar flexes foot, may also flex knee
What is the function of soleus?
Plantar flexes foot
What are the muscles of the deep posterior compartment of the lower limb?
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Flexor digitorum longus
What nerve supplies the deep posterior compartment of the lower limb?
Tibial nerve
What is the function of flexor digitorum longus?
Flexes lateral 4 toes
What is the function of flexor hallucis longus?
Flexes the big boi
What is the function of tibialis posterior?
Plantar flexes foot, inverts foot
What are the bony components of the ankle joint?
Distal tibia and fibula and superior aspect of the talus
What is the only mortise and tenon joint in the body?
The talocrural joint (ankle joint)
What ligaments support the syndesmosis between the tibia and fibula?
- Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL)
- Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL)
- Interosseous ligament (IOL)
What ligament joints the distal fibula to the talus?
Anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments (ATFL and PTFL)
What ligament joins the calcaneus to the fibula?
Calcaneofibular ligament
What are the lateral collateral ligaments?
The ATFL, PTFL and calcaneofibular ligament