Passmed Ophthalmology Mushkies Flashcards
Amaurosis fugax defn?
Painless transient loss of vision in one or both of the eyes
4 most common causes of sudden painless loss of vision?
- Ischaemic/vascular
- Vitreous haemorrhage
- Retinal detachment
- Retinal migraine
Cause of ischaemic optic neuropathy?
Occlusion of the short posterior ciliary arteries, causing damage to the optic nerve
Recognised ischaemic/vascular visual loss syndromes?
- Central retinal vein occlusion
2. Central retinal artery occlusion
Which is more common, CRVO or CRAO?
3 causes of central retinal vein occlusion?
- Glaucoma
- Polycythaemia
- Hypertension
2 causes of central retinal artery occlusion?
- Thromboembolism from atherosclerosis
2. Arteritis e.g. temporal arteritis
CRVO on fundoscopy?
Severe retinal haemorrhages
2 features of CRAO?
- Afferent pupillary defect
2. Cherry red spot on pale retina
3 causes of vitreous haemorrhages?
- Proliferative DM
- Posterior vitreous detachment
- Ocular trauma
- Bleeding diatheses
- Anticogualants
How to differentiate between vitreous haemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment, and retinal detachment?
- Vitreous haemorrhage = sudden visual loss(L)/numerous dark spots(M)/floaters(S)
- Posterior vitreous detachment = Photopsia in peripheral field of vision, floaters
- Retinal detachment = dense shadow that starts peripherally and progresses towards the central vision, straight lines appear curved, central visual loss, a veil or curtain over the field of vision
What is the classification for hypertensive retinopathy?
Keith-Wagener classification for hypertensive nephropathy stages?
- Arteriolar narrowing and tortuisotity, and increased light reflex (silver wiring)
- AV nipping
- Cotton-wool exudates, flame and blot haemorrhage
- Papilloedema
Cataracts defn?
A common condition of the eyes where the lens gradually opacifies, making it more difficult for light to reach the retina, causing reduced/blurred vision
Leading cause of blindness worldwide?
Cataracts sex preference?
Causes of cataracts?
- Normal ageing process (most common)
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Alcohol
- Trauma
- Steroids
- Radiation
- Hypocalcaemia
- Myotonic dystrophy
Symptoms of cataracts?
- Reduced vision
- Faded colour vision
- Glare (lights appear brighter)
- Halos around light
Signs of cataracts?
A defect in the red reflex
Ix of cataracts?
- Ophthalmoscopy = normal fundus and optic nerve
2. Slit-lamp = visible cataract
Classification of cataracts?
- Nuclear
- Polar
- Subscapular
- Dot opacities
Nuclear cataracts?
Changed lens refractive index, common in old age
Polar cataracts?
Localised, commonly inherited, lie in the visual axis
Subscapular cataracts?
Due to steroid use, just deep to the lens capsule, in the visual axis
Dot opacities cataracts?
Common in normal lenses, also seen in DM and myotonic dystrophy
Mx of cataracts?
- Conservatively = Stronger glasses, encouraging brighter lighting
- Surgery = lens replacement
Post-cataract surgery complications?
- Retinal detachment
- Posterior capsule opacification
- Posterior capsule rupture
- Endophthalmitis
What is endophthalmitis?
Inflammation of the aqueous and/or vitreous humour
Features of Horner’s syndrome?
- Miosis
- Ptosis
- Anhidrosis
- Enophthalmos (sunken eyes)
How to differentiate between causes of Horner’s syndrome?
- Central lesions
- Pre-ganglionic lesions
- Post-ganglionic lesions
Horner’s syndrome defn?
Horner syndrome is a combination of signs and symptoms caused by the disruption of a nerve pathway from the brain to the face and eye on one side of the body
Feature of central Horner’s lesions?
Anhidrosis of face, arm and trunk
Feature of pre-ganglionic Horner’s lesions?
Anhidrosis of the face
Feature of post-ganglionic Horner’s lesions?
No anhidrosis
Causes of central Horner’s?
- Stroke
- MS
- Tumour
- Encephalitis
- Syringomyelia
Causes of pre-ganglionic Horners?
4 Ts
- Pancoast’s tumour
- Thyroidectomy
- Trauma
- TCervical Rib
Causes of post-ganglionic Horners?
4 Cs
- Carotid artery dissection
- Carotid aneurysm
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis
- Cluster headache
Glaucomas defn?
Optic neuropathies associated with raised intraocular pressure
Classification of glaucoma is based on?
Based on whether the peripheral iris is covering the trabecular meshwork, which is important in the drainage of aqueous humour from the anterior chamber of the eye.
Prevalence of glaucoma?
- 0.5% > 40y/o
2. 19% > 80y/o
Causes of primary open angle glaucoma?
- Age
2. Genetics
Symptoms of glaucoma?
- Visual field defect
Ix of glaucoma?
- Automated perimetry to assess visual field
- Slit lamp to assess optic nerve (damage/cupping)
- Applanation tonometry to measure IOP (>24mmHg)
- Central corneal thickness measurement
- Gonioscopy to assess peripheral anterior chamber configuration
Mx of primary open angle glaucoma?
- 1st line = Prostaglandin analogue eyedrop
- Second line = BB, CA inhibitor, Sympathomimetic eyedrop
- Surgery
Prostaglandin analogue for glaucoma and MOA?
- Latonoprost
- Increases uveoscleral outflow
- OD
- S/e = brown pigmentation of the iris, increased eyelash length
BB for glaucoma and MOA?
- Timolol, betaxolol
2. Reduced aqueous production
C/I of BBs for glaucoma?
Asthmatics and heart block
Sympathomimetics for glaucoma and MOA?
- Brimonidine, a2-agonist
- Reuced aqueous production and increase outflow
- S/e = hyperaemia
CA inhibitor for glaucoma and MOA?
- Dorzolamide
2. Reduces aqueous production
Miotics for glaucoma and MOA?
- Pilocarpine, muscarinic receptor agonist
- Increases uveoscleral flow
- S/e = constricted pupil, headache, blurred vision
Acute angle-closure glaucoma
Factors predisposing to AACG?
- Hypermetropia (long sightedness)
- Pupillary dilatation
- Lens growth associated with age
Features of AACG?
- Pain
- Decreased acuity
- Hard, red eye
- Symptoms worse with mydriasis (e.g. dark room)
- Haloes around lights
- Semi-dilated non-reacting pupil
Mx of AACG?
- Urgent referral to ophthalmologist
- Reducing aqueous secretion = acetazolamide
- Inducing pupillary constriction = topical pilocarpine
Classification of infective conjunctivitis?
- Viral = serous discharge, recurrent URTI, pre-auricular lymph nodes
- Bacterial = purulent discharge, stuck together eyes in the mornin
Mx of infective conjunctivitis?
- Normally self limiting in 1-2 weeks
- Topical Abx e.g. chloramphenicol drops 2-3 hourly/ointment QDS
- Topical fusidic acid for pregnant women
Night blindness and tunnel vision?
Retinitis pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa defn?
A group of rare, genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and loss of cells in the retina
Retinitis pigmentosa on fundoscopy?
- Black bone spicule-shaped pigmentation in the peripheral retina
- Mottling of the retinal pigment epithelium
Non-painful red eye?
Episcleritis fx?
- Red eye
- Classically not painful
- Watering and mild photophobia may be present
Differentiating b/w episcleritis and scleritis?
Phenylephrine drops blanch the conjunctival and episcleral vessels but not the scleral vessels. If the eye redness improves after phenylephrine a diagnosis of episcleritis can be made
Mx of episcleritis?
- Conservative
2. Artificial tears may sometimes be used
Primary open angle glaucoma
RFs to POAG?
- Genetics
- Black
- Myopia
- DM
- Steroids
Fx of POAG?
- Peripheral visual field loss
- Decreased visual acuity
- Optic disc cupping
Fundoscopy signs of POAG?
- Optic disc cupping (cup-to-disc ratio >0.7)
- Optic disc pallor (optic atrophy)
- Bayonetting of vessels
- Cup notching