Medical Shorts Mushkies Flashcards
Psoriasis examination?
- Skin
- Nails
- Joints
- Completion
Psoriasis skin findings?
- Symmetrical well defined salmon-pink plaques with a silvery, micaceous scale
- Location = extensors, behind ears, scalp, umbilicus, Koebner
- Skin staining from Rx = coal tar (brown), dithranol (purple)
Psoriasis nail findings?
- Discoloration
- Pitting
- Onycholysis
- Subungual hyperkeratosis
Psoriasis joints findings?
Inflammatory arthropathy
Psoriasis exam completion?
- Inspect common areas and assess joints
2. Auspitz’ sign = pinpoint bleeding on scraping scale
Psoriasis Ddx?
- Bowen’s disease
- Lichen planus
- Dermatitis
Onycholysis Ddx?
- Psoriasis
- Fungal infection
- Trauma
- Thyrotoxicosis
Nail pitting causes?
- Psoriasis
- Fungal infection
- Lichen planus
Koebner phenomenon causes?
- Psoriasis
- Lichen planus
- Viral warts
- Vitiligo
- Sarcoid
4 Psoriasis triggers?
- Smoking
- Stress
- Injury
- Drugs = BB, EtOH
Pathophysiology of psoriasis?
- T4 driven hypersensitivity reaction
2. Hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and intra-epidermal microabscesses of Munro
What is parakeratosis?
Nuclei in the stratum corneum
Psoriasis subtypes?
- Plaque
- Guttate
- Pustular = generalised or palmoplantar
- Flexural = not scaly
- Erythroderma
Psoriatic arthritis features?
A Seronegative arthritis that develops in 10-40%, can be:
- Asymmetric oligoarthritis
- Symmetric polyarthritis
- Distal arthritis
- Spondylitis
- Arthritis mutilans
Psoriasis Mx?
- General = MDT (GP, dermatologist), avoid precipitants
- Topical
- Phototherapy
- Systemic
Topical psoriasis Mx?
- Emollients
- Steroids = betamethasone
- Vit D analogues = Calcipotriol
- Coal tar
- Dithranol
Phototherapy psoriasis Mx?
2. Narrow-band UVB
Systemic psoriasis Mx?
- Cytotoxics = ciclosporin, methotrexate
- Retinoids = acetretin
- Biologics = anti-TNF
Dermatitis description?
Erythematous lichenified patches, predominantly on the flexors, with excoriations and painful fissures
Mx of dermatitis?
- General = MDT, avoid precipitants
- Adjuvants = antihistamins, antibiotics
- Topical = emollients, soap substitutes, steroids, tacrolimus
- Systemic = steroids, ciclosporin
- Phototherapy
Cutaneous manifestations of DM?
- Hands = cheiroarthropathy, granuloma annulare, skin pricks
- Injection sites = lipodystrophy
- Shins = necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
- Feet = Charcot’s joints, ulcers
- Other = infections, eruptive tendon xanthomas secondary to hyperlipidaemia
Tight waxy skin that limits finger extension (prayer sign)
Granuloma annulare?
Flesh coloured papules in annular configuration, usually on dorsum of hand, 10% associated with DM
BCC description?
Pearly nodule with rolled, telangiectatic edge, on the face and sun exposed areas
Most common skin cancer?
Do BCCs metastasise?
Mx of BCC?
- Superficial = curettage
2. Deep = surgical excision +/- radiotherapy
SCC description?
Ulcerated lesion with everted edge found in sun exposed areas, alongside Actinic Keratoses and Bowen’s lesions
Actinic keratosis description?
Irregular, crusty, warty lesions
Bowen’s disease description?
Red/brown, scaly plaques
Evolution of SCC?
Actinic keratosis –> Bowen’s disease –> SCC
RFs for SCC?
- Sun exposure
- Immunosuppression
- Genetic = xerodermapigmentosum
- Chronic trauma = Marjolin’s ulcer
Dx of SCC?
Excisional biopsy
Mx of SCC/
Surgery +/- radiotherapy
Malignant melanoma pt characteristics?
- Fair skin with freckles
- Blue eyes
- Light hair
Malignant melanoma desciprtion?
- Asymmetry
- Irregular border
- Non-uniform colour
- Diameter > 6mm
- Evolving/elevation
Additional parts of skin exam?
- Regional lymph nodes
- Rest of skin
- Fundoscopy
- Liver
Glass eye + ascites?
Ocular melanoma
RFs for malignant melanoma?
- Sun exposure, esp. when young
- Low Fitzpatrick skin type
- Lots of common moles
- Age
- FHx
- Immunosuppression
5 types of malignant melanoma?
- Superficial spreading = 80%
- Lentigo maligna melanoma = elderly
- Acral lentiginous = blacks, soles, palms
- Nodular = younger, new lesion
- Amelanotic = Delayed Dx
Staging of malignant melanoma?
Breslow Thickness
Malignant melanoma Mx?
- Excision biopsy for staging
- Secondary excision margin depends on stage
- +/- lymphadenectomy
- +/- adjuvant chemotherapy
Neurofibromatosis features?
- Skin
- Eyes
- Extras
Skin fx of NF?
- Cafe au lait spots (>=6, >=15mm diameter)
- Axillary freckling
- Neurofibromas
Neurofibromas description?
Gelatinous violaceous nodules
Eye fx of NF?
- Lisch nodules
2. Optic glioma –> altered acuity
What is a Lisch nodule?
Melanocytic hamartomatas of the iris
Extra fx of NF?
- Back = scoliosis
- Abdomen = RAS + phaeochromocytoma
- Palpable nerves + lymphadenopathy
NF inheritance?
NF1 Chr and prevalence?
Chr17, 1/2500
NF2 Chr and prevalence?
Chr22, 1/35,000
4 complications of NF?
- Sarcomatous change = 5%
- Scoliosis
- Epidemiology
- Learning difficulty = 10%
NF Mx?
- MDT = GP and neurologist
- Excise some neurofibromas
- Genetic complications
- Complications = yearly BP review and cutaneous review, epilepsy rx
DDx of Cafe au Lait Spots?
- NF
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- McCune Albright syndrome
McCune Albright Syndrome?
- Cafe au lait spots
- Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
- Precocious puberty
How can you classify the features of tuberous sclerosis?
- Cutaneous
- Neurological
- Other
What are the cutaneous features of tuberous sclerosis?
1. Ash leaf spots under UV 2 .Shagreen patch 3. Nose angiofibromas 4. Subungual fibromata 5. Cafe au lait spots
What are the neurological features of tuberous sclerosis?
- Developmental delay
- Epilepsy
- Intellectual impairment
What are the ‘other’ features of tuberous sclerosis? x5
- Retinal hamartomas
- Rhabdomyomas of the heart
- Gliomatous changes in the brain
- Polycystic kidneys
- Lymphoangioleiomyomatosis
Tuberous sclerosis Chr and inheritance?
Chr16, AD
Tuberous sclerosis Ix?
- Skull films = railroad track calcification
- CT/MRI brain = tuberous mass in cortex
- Abdo US = renal cysts
- Eccho = cardiomyopathies
HHT aka?
Osler-Weber Rendu syndrome
HHT examination?
- Multiple telangiectasia on face, lips and buccal mucosa
- Cyanosis = large pulmonary AVMs
- No signs of CREST
DDx for multiple telangiectasias?
- Chronic liver disease
- Ataxia telangiectasia
3 sites of AVMS in HHT?
Lungs, liver, brain
3 complications of HHT?
- Haemorrhage = epistaxis, GI haemorrhage, haemoptysis, SAH
- High output HF
- Colorectal cancer if SMAD4 mutation
Peutz-Jeghers examination?
Small pigmented macules on lips, oral mucosa, palms and soles
Macules around lips and mouth DDx?
- Peutz-Jeghers
- Carney complex
- McCune-Albright
- Simple freckles
Peutz Jeghers?
AD mutation of STK11 gene on Chr19 characterised by mucocutaneous macules and multiple hamartomatous GI polyps
3 complications of Peutz Jeghers?
- GI hamartomas = intussusception, haemorrhage
- Pancreatic endocrine tumours
- Colorectal cancer
Erythema multiforme description?
Multiple symmetrical targetoid lesions, especially on extensor surfaces of the peripheries
Ddx of lesions with central clearing?
- Erthema multiforme
- Discoid eczema
- Tinea
Causes of erythema multiforme?
- Infections
2. Drugs
Infections that cause erythema multiforme?
- HSV (70%)
2. Mycoplasma
Drugs that cause erythema multiforme?
- Phenytoin
- Penicillin
- Sulfonamides
- Allopurinol
Mx of SJS and TEN?
Dexamethasone, IVIG
Erythema nodosum examination?
Tender, blue/red, smooth shiny nodules commonly found on shins
Causes of erythema nodosum?
- Systemic disease = Sarcoidosis, IBD, Behcets
- Infection = Strep, TB
- Drugs = sulphonamides, OCP
Rheumatoid hand examination?
- Look
- Feel = active synovitis (hot swollen painful joints)
- Move = fixed flexion in prayer position, decreased ROM
- Function = precision, power, aids
What causes fibromyalgia?
Theta waves
What to look for in rheumatoid hand examination?
- Skin = joint erythema, palmar erythema
a. Swelling = MCPs and PIPs
b. Muscle wasting = interossei, thenar eminence
c. Deformity
2 .Surgical scars = carpal tunnel release - Wrist
- Elbow = nodules
Rheumatoid hand description?
Symmetrical deforming polyarthropathy
DDx for rheumatoid hands?
- Psoriatic Arthritis
2. Jacoud’s Arthropathy
Jacoud’s arthropathy?
- A chronic non-erosive reversible joint disorder that may occur after repeated bouts of arthritis.
- It is caused by inflammation of the joint capsule and subsequent fibrotic retraction, causing ulnar deviation of the fingers, through MCP subluxation ,
- Joints in the feet, knees and shoulders may also get affected.
- It is commonly associated with SLE and occurs in roughly 5% of all cases
Rheumatoid examination?
- Hands
- Skin = steroid use
- BP and pulse = AF, CVD
- Eye = epi/scleritis, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, anaeima
- Neck = atlantoaxial subluxation
- Heart = Pericardial rub
- Lungs = fibrosis, effusions, rub
- Abdomen = splenomegaly
- Urine dip = nephrotic syndrome/amyloid
3 symptoms of rheumatoid?
- Early morning stiffness
- Pain
- Swelling
HLA DR 3/4
RhA Ab?
anti-CCP = 98% specific, 75% sensitive
RhA X ray?
- Loss of joint space
- Periarticular erosions and osteopenia
- Soft tissue swelling
- Deformity
RhA Mx?
- MDT = GP, physio, OT, rheum, orthopod
- Conservative = physio, OT (aids and splints)
- Medical = Analgesia, Steroids (IM/PO/intra-articular), DMARDS, biologics
- Surgical = carpal tunnel decompression, tendon repairs and transfers, ulna stylectomy, arthroplasty
Extra-articular features of RhA?
- Nodules
- Tenosynovitis e.g. de Quervains
- Immune = vasculitis, amyloidosis, AIHA, Sjogrens
- Cardiac = pericarditis +/- effusion
- Carpal tunnel
- Pulmonary = fibrosis, effusions
- Ophthalmic = episcleritis, scleritis, Sjogrens
- Renal = nephrosis secondary to amyloidosis
- Raynaud’s
- Felty’s
Boutonniere’s deformity?
Rupture of central slip of extensor expansion –> PIPJ prolapse through ‘button-hole’ created by 2 lateral slips