Passage Planning Flashcards
Where does it state that we have to passage plan?
- SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34
- States that we have to do it!!
Whats is a passage plan?
A passage plan is a risk assessment of an intended voyage from berth to berth. Details of what must be included in a passage plan can be found in IMO resolution A893.21 which tells us how to comply with this regulation. It states 4 principles, which together make APEM. Guidance can also be found in the Bridge Procedures Guide, Mariners Handbook, and vessels SMS as this is a ships procedure.
What is a routing chart and how many are there?
- Routing charts are essential for use in passage planning for ocean voyages. They include:
- route and distances between major ports,
- ocean currents (Thicker the line the stronger the current)
- ice limits
- load lines zones
- average barometric pressure
- mean air and sea temperatures
- wind roses with expected meteorological and oceanographic conditions for each month of the year
- TRS tracks
- Fog and poor visibility predictions
- 5 main routing charts: - North Atlantic - South Atlantic - North Pacific - South Pacific - Indian Ocean additionally there are charts for
- There are 12 charts for each area, one for every month of the year.

What type of information can you expect from a routing chart?
- Mean air and sea temps
- TRS tracks
- Fog and poor visibility predictions
- Avergage wind direction and force in the form of wind roses
- Currents - Thicker the line the stronger the current
- Average barometric pressure
- Ice Limits
- Load line zones
- Indicative routes across the ocean with distances
The chart will state the type of projection of the chart
(If Iceland is huge - it’s a Mercator chart)
What is contained in the appraisal stage of passage planning?
All the information relevant to the contemplated voyage or passage should be considered. The following items should be taken into account:
Ships Critical:
- Fuel & Water
- Certification
- Manning
- Expected weather and vessel suitability
- Security
- Owners Instructions
- UTD Charts and Publications
For further information see:
IMO Resolution 893 and the passage planning section of the Bridge Procedures Guide
What is contained in the planning stage of a passage plan?
Planning the intended voyage
- Berth to Berth
- Plot waypoints and indicative routes - course line & direction
- Check depths / dangers (UKC - No go zones) - Abort points
- Wheel over point
- PI’s & Distances off obstacles
- Contingency Plans
- Radar Conspicuous objects and RACONS which may be used in radar position fixing.
- T’s and P’s
- Magenta notes from Chart
- Ships Critical stuff i.e time to call Master, Reporting points, Pilot Station, Changing Fuel, Clearing the anchors, engines to standby etc
What is contained in the execution stage of a passage plan?
Executing the plan taking account of prevailing conditions
- Starts before you leave - Pre departure checks - Reassessment of weather
- Once you have an ETD you need to update the plan for time of departure. This will include ETA’s on the passage for various critical points so that you can be in at those points for a particular time
- .Tide height
- Nav Warnings
- Brief the crew of the passage
- Sign the passage plan off with the navigation officer and log the passage plan per the SMS Execution of the finalised voyage plan should be carried taking into account the factors listed in the guidelines.
- The Master should take into account any special circumstances which may arise, such as changes in the weather, which may require the plan to be reviewed or altered.
What is contained in the monitoring stage of a passage plan?
- Monitoring the vessels progress along the pre-planned track is a continuous process. The office of the watch, whenever in any doubt as to the position of the vessel or the manner in which the voyage is proceeding should immediately call the master and, if necessary, take the appropriate action for the safety of the vessel.
- Monitoring the vessels progress ensuring that you are sticking to passage plan and also monitoring all equipment to ensure it is working to optimum performance at all times.
- Plot position by different means
- Any deviations from the route need to be planned so you need to go through the process of A.P.E.M!
What are the 18 mandatory bridge publications?
‘As stated by SOLAS CH.V - Safety of Navigation - Reg 19’
Can also be found in the Mariners Handbook and the Masters Guide to the British Flag’
In accord with Notice No. 18, of the annual summary of notices to Mariners the ship must carry the following publications:
- The Weekly Notices to Mariners
- Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners - NP247 Parts 1&2
- Chart outfit adequate charts for the voyage and of suitable scale. It will include NP5011, Chart Correction Log and Routing Charts
- List of Radio Signals
- List of Lights
- Sailing Directions
- NP100 Mariners Handbook
- Tide Tables
- Tidal Atlases
- Nautical Almanac
- Nautical Tables (Norries)
- The International Code of Signals
- The Marine Guidance Notices (MGN’s), The Merchant Shipping Notices (MSN’s) and The Marine Information Notices (MINs)
(Its part of MGN 379 - See Principals) - Operating and maintenance manuals for all navigational aids.
- Offical Logbook
- COSWP - Code of Safe Working Practices
- Ship Captains Medical
How do you obtain a vessels aspect during daylight hours?
- X-Band Radar
- Less effect of target swap
- Sea Stabilised for collision avoidance
- Plot the vessel and get the OAW Triangle
- Only way you can tell is by radar plotting and getting the aspect of the other vessel. This is done by:
- See whether or not it is green or red aspect -
- Taking the vessels true course and run it down to the centre of the radar plotting sheet
- Take the reciprocal of his last bearing - ASPECT = Difference between the reciprocal of his last bear and the vessels true heading
What is the ocean passages of the world book?
- NP 136
- Contains information, based on the latest material available in the Hyrdrographic department, relating to the planning and conduct of ocean voyages. The Ocean areas with which this book is concerned lie, mainly outside the areas covered in detail by the Admiralty Sailing Directions.
- Kept up to date by Notices to Mariners