MSN's Flashcards


What does MSN 1752 Cover?


MSN 1752

The Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Regulations 1998, as amended by the Merchant Shipping (Load Line) (Amendment) Regulations 2000

  1. Schedule 1: Appropriate load lines and seasonal zones, areas and periods
  2. Schedule 2: Conditions of assignments
    Part 1: Ships in General
    Part 2: Special requirements applicable to type A ships
    Part 3: Special requirements applicable to certain type B ships
    Part 4: Special requirements applicable to ships assigned timber freeboards.
    Part 5: General
  3. Schedule 3: Record of particulars
  4. Schedule 4: Freeboards
    Part 1 Freeboards other than timber freeboards
    Part 2 Timber freeboards
    Part 3 Sailing ships and other ships
  5. Schedule 5: Freeboard tables
  6. Schedule 6: Stability
    Part I: Information as to stability
    Part II: Ships in relation to which the Secretary of State’s or the Assigning Authority’s approval of the stability ifnormation is required
  7. Schedule 7: Notice of Load lines to be posted up before sailing
  8. United Kingdom Load Line Certificates
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