PAS dermatology: Acne, Rosacea and Folliculitis Flashcards
What is the prevalence of adolescents with acne?
What is the gender predominance pattern in Acne ?
*Male predominance in adolescent acne
* Female predominance in post-adolescent acne
What is the Pathogenesis of acne ?
*Follicular hyperkeratinization
* Increased sebum production
* Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) withinthe follicle.
* Inflammation
What are the risk factors for Acne
- Family Hx
- Stress
- smoking
- Insulin resistance
*Skin trauma
What is the difference between open vs closed comedon ( Both are non-inflammatory)
Opne comedon is a papule of <5mm with central orifice containing Keratotic material. Whereas, Closed comedon is a dome shaped papule.
What is a papulopustular acne ?
It is an inflammatory acne consist of relatively superficial papules and pustules.
What is a nodulocystic acne ?
It is a Deep-seated, inflamed, tender, large papules or nodules.
What are the differential diagnosis for acne ?
- Rosacea
- Perioral dermatitis
- Sebaceous hyperplasia
- Acneiform eruptions: acne cosmetica; pomade acne; drug
induced acne
When to evaluate for hyperandrogenism in acne Dx work up ?
When a female patient presents with post adolescence acne.
What are the factors to consider in post adolescent acne related hypernadrogeneism evaluation ?
- Irregular menses
- Infertility
- Abrupt onset of severe acne
- Acne refractory to therapy
What is the approach to acne assessment ?
- Type and severity of acne
- Skin type
- Scarring
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
- Menstrual cycle history
- Current skin care regimen and acne treatment
- Psychological impact of acne
What is the mild acne presentation ?
A few comedons , a few papules and or pustules
What is a moderate acne ?
Several comedons , several papules and pustules
What is the severe acne presentation?
It consist of several commedons, papules, pustules and > 5mm nodules and or cysts.
What is the key to acne treatment ?
It is to treat based on the pathogenesis. ( Pathogenesis: FICI )
What are the solo treatments for mild acne ?
- Topical benzoyl peroxide or topical azelaic acid.
- Topical retinoid
What are the combo treatments for mild acne ?
1) COMBO: Topical benzoyl peroxide or topical azelaic acid AND topical retinoid
2) COMBO: Topical benzoyl peroxide or topical azelaic acid AND topical antibiotic
3) COMBO: Topical retinoid AND topical antibiotic
What is the treatment for mild to moderate acne ?
Topical retinoids + topical antibiotic
What is the treatment for moderate to severe acne ?
Topical retinoid AND Topical antibiotic OR Oral antibiotic
+/- Oral hormonal therapy.
What is the treatment for severe acne
Oral Isotretinoin
What is the MOA of isotretinoin ?
- Shrinkage of sebaceous glands
- Decrease in sebum secretion
- Inhibits C. acnes
- Decrease inflammation
- Increases keratinocyte differentiation
What are the indications for oral isotretinoin ?
*Severe acne
* Treatment-resistant acne
* Scarring acne
* Acne that causes significant psychological distress
What is the protocol of oral isotretinoin therpay ?
- 0.5 mg/kg/day for the first month
- 1 mg/kg/day for subsequent months
- Treatment length is ~6 months
- Should be taken with food
- No other acne medications should be used while taking
isotretinoin - Acne may worsen initially
What are the mostcommon side effects of isotretinonin?
Most Common
* Dry skin and lips
* Dry eyes
* Photosensitivity
*Teratogenicity –spontaneous abortions and
severe life-threating
congenital malformations
* Pregnancy Prevention