Hematology Pearls Flashcards
If the MCV is high and RDW is normal the cause is likely to be?
Liver disease
Aplastic anemia
Chemotherapy induced marrow failure
In Iron deficiency anemia what GI disease should be screened in all patients?
Serology for Celiac disease.
What is a functional Iron deficiency?
It is a failure to mobilize Iron stores in response to erythropoietin therapy in CKD.
Cabot ring is seen in ?
Pernicious anemia, bad infections, led poisoning
Right shift in blood ?
It is hypermatured white cells: hyper segmented polymorphs seen in megaloblastic anemia, uraemia and liver disease
Why does hypokalemia occur in pernicious anemia?
Due to absorption of potassium to hematopoietic cells.
In sickle cell anemia the life span of RBC can be as short as ?
5 days
Heinz bodies and bite cells indicate ?
Hemolytic anemia is due to G6PD deficiency
What does a + direct comb test indicate?
The presence of antibody mediated or autoimmune hemolytic anemia
What is paroxysmal cold hemoglobin uria ?
It is caused by Donath- Landsteiner antibodies sticking to RBC. Less than 2% of cold AHA. It causes self limiting hemolysis on rewarming.
What are the causes of combs negative hemolysis?
Autoimmune hepatitis
Hepatitis B and C
What are the causes of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia?
It is an intravascular hemolytic condition: causes are HUS, DIC, HELLP syndrome l
All RBC membrane defects are ?
Comb test negative
All need regular folate
All may require splenectomy
What is the Hb : reticulocytes pattern in sickle cell disease?
Hb constantly 60 to 80 and reticulocytes> 10 to 20 %
Splenic sequestration crisis is seen in only sickle cell children why ?
In adults the spleen has undergone functional asplenia or atrophy
Mexican hat cells or target cells are seen in ?
Alpha thalassemia
Low molecular weight heparin advantage?
It inactivates factor 10 not thrombin
Laboratory monitoring not required.
1/2 life is 2 to 4 times longer than standard heparin.
The preferred option for the treatment and prevention of thromboembolism.
Unfractioned heparin?
Short haf life and rapid action.
aPTT to monitor
It acts by augmenting the action of AntithrombinIII.
It inactivates factor 2, 10 and 9.
Chemo for ALL?
L- asparagines
D- Dunorubicin
D- Dexamethasone
What is the chemo prophylaxis for ALL brain disease?
Chemotherapy in AML
Cytarebine+ Ido or Dunorubicin
Evans syndrome?
It is autoimmune hemolysis+ ITP in CLL
Drugs for CLL?
Fludaribine + cyclophosphamide+ Rithuximab
Pel ebstain fever?
Cyclic fever in Hodgkin’s
> 2