parasocial relationships Flashcards
Parasocial relationship
One way relationship to a person most often celebrity know intimately - follow social media but hardly know you exist
Levels of parasocial relationship who?
McCucheon et al celebrity attitude scale consist of 23 items scored on a likert scale 1-5 points
What are the three different levels
Entertainment social
Intense personal
Borderline pathological
Entertainment social
Celeb entertainment entertain and stimulate social interaction and gossip with peers
Intense personal
Strong personal feeling of attraction
Borderline pathological
Obsessed Behavioural fantasies imagine that they have a special relationship
Horton and wohl
celeb knowing private details due to increase in media
McCutcheon et al
Related to eyesencks extroversion neuroticism and psychoticism
Individuals personality type affects cas socore
Levy and McCutcheon
Scored highly on cas scale were less intelligent than those scoring low
Absorption addiction model
McCutcheon a fan parasocial relationship are an attempt to escape the reality of their lives and make up for deficits in their real life relationships - sense of identity
Lack social skills low self esteem more likely to develop borderline pathological parasocial relationships
Intense involvement personal life and career of celeb to feel closer to
Behaviour escalates more extreme and could result in attempts to contact or stalk celeb
Maltby et al methods + results
Large scale study cas to added attitudes 372 men and woman towards celebs
22% p classed as celebrity worshippers
Those who followed for entertainment didn’t have significant mental health problems highest levels celeb worship were often lonely
Maltby et al conclusion
Those who followed for entertainment didn’t have significant mental health problems highest levels celeb worship were often lonely and antisocial - full gaps in real life relationships *+++++
+ some individuals celebs provide them with parasocial friendships that meet their companionships needs +++ McCutcheon that people develop due to lack of social skills
Links between personality type and level of parasocial relationship
- absorption addiction model
Provides descriptions rather than explanations of processes involved in parasocial relationship just correlational study’s not cause and effect
Celeb changes the Individuals personality rather than other other way round
Limited evidence
Reliability and validity issues with model
Jenkins and jenson +
Parasocial relation have positive role to play social function developing relationships with other fans sharing appreciation however some result in stalking