Aatahcment - Influence Of Early Years + Animal Studies Flashcards
Bowblys theory - early attachment causes
IWN said infants develop a schema based one on montropic caregivers acting as a template
Continuity hypothesis
Individuals future relationships will follow patterns of IWM
Hazen and shaver
Adult relationships type is based on attachment type (ainsworth secure insecure avoidant and resistant)
Secure - more socially capable
Bowlbys maternal deprivation theory
Children with a disrupted attachment with their primary caregiver in critical period have problems with social emotional intellectual development affecting adult relationships
+ Hazan and shaver
“Love quiz” assessed childhood attachment types and adult relationship style
56% secure looks for closeness and independence
25% avoidant avoids intimacy
19% anxious can’t cope well with independence
Correlation study not cause and effect
Studied women using strange situation as infants. Adults with long lasting and secure adult friendships and relationships were securely attached to their infant
+ understand origins of IWM practical applications - schools help with children bullying and loneliness - better relationships
- Kagan temper
Temperament hypothesis infant + adult relationships are due to inherited temperament high reactivity babies grow in inhibited and anxious adults and low reactive infants grow into outgoing adults
- Research
Early attachment research is correlatioval can’t establish cause and effect between early childhood and attachment and later adult relationship style other variables such as poverty
Imprinting geese form strong bonds and follow mother after hatching
Procedure = geese eggs randomly divided half to hatched by Lorenz and half with biological mother. He observed the goslings first observation of a moving object
Lorenz found
Goslings hatched imprinted on him. He placed all goslings in a box when released those who imprinted on Lorenz found him and continued to follow him
Critical period 32 hours if goslings didn’t see a large moving object to imprint they would lose the ability
Lorenz suggest
Imprinting is strong evolutionary biological feature if attachment
Lorenz +
Critical period in geese been highly influential - Bowlby based his research and believes it’s similar in infants 6 30 months
However geese and human are different humans don’t imprint therefore hard to generalise findings. Biologically different and humans vary cultural and socially in behaviour
Cupboard love theory
Babies live mother because they feed them
Harlow procedure
Infant monkeys were placed in a cage with two surrogate mothers providing one with wired and food and one with cloth but no food. Time spent with each mother was recorded and which surrogate infant ran to when frightened by noises
Harlow found
Infant spend most time with comforting providing mother - clothed and only visiting food mother when needing feed. Returned to cloth when frightened
Follow up research Harlow
Maternal deprivation caused results in permanent social disorder
Harlow suggests
This type of monkeys have a biological nature need for physical contact
Rejecting the cupboard love theory
Harlow +
Contact comfort highly influential Bowlby argues similar infants crave comfort from mothers attempting to form monotropic relationship - promoted further research
However hard to generalise to humans as biological different to monkeys and human vary due to socially and culturally differences in behaviour
Harlow caused harm intentionally by frightening the infant monkeys and causing high stress levels cage like conditions - public knowledge harmed reputation