Parasitology (Trematodes) Flashcards
Commonly referred as flukes/flatworms
Blood flukes:
Genus Schistosoma
Hosts for Trematodes
Definitive: Man
Intermediate: Snails
Infective stage of blood flukes
Forked tailed cercaria
larva that has mouth, GIT and tail (fork tailed)
MOT for blood flukes
Skin penetration
General characteristics of Blood flukes
Non- hermaphroditic/Dioecious (sexes are separate)
Adult worm is not leaf like, have oral and ventral suckers
Male: short and robust
Female: longer and slender
Eggs are non-operculated
Require only one intermediate and one definitive host
Male worms are provided with ______ to carry female during copulation
gynecophoric canal
Largest Adult Blood Fluke
Schistosoma japonicum
Smallest Adult Blood Fluke
S. mansoni
Integument is with fine tuberculation
S. haematobium
S. japonicum
Integument is rough, and with coarse tuberculation
S. mansoni
Habitat for S. japonicum
Superior mesenteric veins
Habitat for S. mansoni
Inferior mesenteric veins or veins draining rectum
Habitat of S. haematobium
Vesical veins or veins draining the urinary bladder
Blood flukes detected in stool
S. mansoni
S. japonicum
Blood fluke detected in urine
S. haematobium
No. of testes in males of S. japonicum
No. of testes in S. mansoni
No. in testes of S. japonicum
No. of eggs in uterus of S. haematobium
No. of eggs in S. mansoni
No. of eggs in S. haematobium
Intermediate host:
Bulinus, Physopsis
S. haematobium
Intermediate host:
Planorbis and
S. mansoni
Intermediate host:
Oncomelania quadrasi
S. japonicum
Non-operculated with distinct terminal spine
Measures 112-170 x 40-70 um
S. haematobium
Non-operculated egg with distinct lateral spine
Measures 45-70 x 140 - 180 um
S. mansoni
Non-operculated, minute lateral spine.
Tissue or red cells.
Size:70 - 105 x 50 -80 um
S. japonicum
Life cycle of Blood Flukes
Eggs → Miracidium → Sporocyst → Circarium → Adult
sac-like larva developed from miracidium
larva equipped with a mouth and GIT; forked tail
Lung, Liver, and Intestinal Flukes general characteristics
Hermaphroditic or monoecious (combined sexes)
Adult with leaf like body and non-segmented body
With oral and ventral suckers
Eggs are operculated
Infective stage of Lung, Liver, and Intestinal Lung Fluke
MOT of Lung, Liver, and Intestinal Flukes
Hosts for Lung, Liver, and Intestinal Flukes
1st intermediate host: Snails
2nd intermediate host: Varies
Developmental stages of hermaphroditic flukes
Operculated egg → miracidium → sporocyst → rediae → cercaria → metacercaria → adult
larva released from the egg when hatched
Found in 1st intermediate host
larva developed from sporocyst, absent in schistosoma
larva developed from redia
Found in the 2nd intermediate host of hermaphroditic flukes
1st intermediate host (snails):
Brotia asperata
P. westermani
1st intermediate host (snails):
Lymnea philippinensis
Fasciola hepatica
1st intermediate host (snails):
Segmentina spp.
Hippeutis spp
Fasciolopsis buski
1st intermediate host (snails):
Alocinma spp.
Bulimus spp.
Parafossarulus spp.
Clonorchis sinensis
1st intermediate host (snails):
Bithynia spp.
Opistorchis felineus
1st intermediate host (snails):
Gyralus convexiusculus
Hippeutis umbicalis
Echinostoma ilocanum
1st intermediate host (snails):
Pirenella spp.
Cerithidea spp
Heterophyes heterophyes
1st intermediate host (snails):
Semisulcospira spp.
Thiara spp.
Hua spp.
M. yokogawai
2nd intermediate host:
Fresh mountain crabs
Sundathelpusa spp., Parathelpusa spp
P. westermani
2nd intermediate host:
Watercress (Nasturtium officiale)
F. hepatica
2nd intermediate host:
Kangkong (Ipomea obscura)
Fresh water vegeration; edible water plants
F. hepatica
2nd intermediate host:
Water caltrop (Trapa)
Water (Eliocharis)
Bamboo shoots (Zizania)
F. buski
2nd intermediate host:
Cyprinoid Fishes
Clonorchis sinensis
Opistorchis felineus
2nd intermediate host:
Kuhol (Pila luzonica)
Susong pampang (Vivipara angularis)
Echinostoma ilocanum
2nd intermediate host:
Fishes (Mugil-balanak, Tilapia, and Arius manilensis - kanduli)
H. heterophyes
2nd intermediate host:
Salmonoid fishes (Plecoglossus and Salmon)
Cyprinoid fishes (Richardsonium)
M. yokogawai
Adult worm appearance:
Coffee bean
P. westermani
Adult worm appearance:
Cephalic cone (appears to have shoulders)
Branched testes, ovaries, and intestinal ceca
F. hepatica
Adult worm appearance:
Appears like F. hepatica but no cephalic cone
Intestinal ceca is unbranced
F. buski
Adult worm appearance:
Equipped with 3rd genital sucker/gonotyl
H. heterophyes
Adult worm appearance:
Closely resembles H. heterophyes; slightly larger and no genital sucker
M. yokogawai
Adult worm appearance:
Equipped with an oral sucker with spines called “circum-oral disk with spines)
E. ilocanum
Egg morphology:
Flat operculum (opening like)
Opposite the operculum: abopercular shell thickening
Resembles D. latum
P. westermani
Egg morphology:
broadly ovoidal with wide operculum
opposite the operculum is abopercular knob (median protuberance)
Clonorchis sinensis
Egg morphology:
Closely resembles clonorchis but is elongately ovoidal with tapering ends
Opistorchis felineus
Egg morphology:
Thick shelled light brown eggs containing developed miracidium
Distinct operculum and similar with those of clonorchis but no abopercular knob
H. heterophyes
Egg morphology:
Thin shelled light yellow egg contains developed miracidium
M. yokogawai
Egg morphology:
Large ovoidal, yellowish brown that contains underdeveloped miracidium
F. hepatica
Egg morphology:
Large operculated eggs, indistinguishable from fasciola hepatica and fasciola gigantica
Eggs are yellowish and ellipsoidal, with clear thin shell and small operculum. Egg contains underdeveloped miracidium
F. buski
Egg morphology:
Straw colored, operculated ovoid eggs
E. ilocanum
Egg measurement:
83-116 x 58-69 um
E. ilocanum
Egg measurement:
130 - 140 x 80 - 85 um
F. buski
Egg measurement:
27 x 16 um
M. yokogawai
Egg measurement:
26-30 x 150-17 um
H. heterophyes
Egg measurement:
30 x 11 um
O. felineus
Egg measurement:
20-120 um x 50-60 um
P. westermani