AUBF Chemical Urine Examination Flashcards
Benedict’s test does not detect
Principle of benedict’s test
copper reduction
Reporting of Benedict’s test: No change in color (Blue solution)
Reporting of Benedict’s test: Green opacity, no precipitate
trace (+/-)
Reporting of Benedict’s test: Green solution with yellow precipitate
Positive (+)
Reporting of Benedict’s test: Green to yellow solution with yellow precipitate
Positive (++)
Reporting of Benedict’s test: Muddy orange solution with yellow precipitate
Positive (+++)
Reporting of Benedict’s test: Orange to brick red precipitate
Positive (++++)
Benedict’s test reaction result:
Cupric Ions (Blue Solution) + Reducing Sugar → (heat alkali) →
Carboxylic Acid + Cu2O (Cuprous Oxide) (Brick-Red precipitate)
Precipitation of urine protein by strong acid
Classic test for differentiation of urobilinogen and porphobilinogen
Watson-Schwartz Test
Butanol location in Watson-Schwartz Test
Chloroform location in Watson-Schwartz Test
Turbidity grade and protein range:
No increase in turbidity
Negative: <6
Turbidity grade and protein range: Noticeable turbidity
Trace: 6-30
Turbidity grade and protein range: Distinct turbidity, no granulation
1+ : 30-100
Turbidity grade and protein range: Turbidity, granulation, no flocculation
2+: 100-200
Turbidity grade and protein range: turbidity, granulation, flocculation
3+: 200-400
Turbidity grade and protein range: clumps of protein
4+: >400
Analyte: Urobilinogen
Chloroform and Butanol result
Chloroform and Butanol: soluble
Analyte: Porphobilinogen
Chloroform and Butanol result:
C and B: Insoluble
Analyte: other ehrlich reacting compounds
Chloroform and Butanol result:
C: Insoluble
B: Soluble
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Heat and Acetic acid
Nitric Acid Test for albumin/protein
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Benedict Test for Glucose (other reducing sugar)
Brick Red Precipitate
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Heat Precipitation Test (Bence Jones Protein)
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Rothera for ketones
Red purple color
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Gunning for Ketones
Iodoform Crystals (microscopic)
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Gerhadt for Ketones
Bordeaux Red Color
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Seliwanoff for Levulose
Orange to Red Color
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Rubner for Lactose
Brick Red Precipitate
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Gmelin for Bile
Play of Colors (Yellow, Red, Green)
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Smith for Bile
Green Ring
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Erlich for Urobilinogen
Cherry Red
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Schlesinger for Urobilin
Fluorescent Green
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Obermayer for Indican
Indigo blue to Indigo red
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Gualac for Hemoglobin
Blue color (junction)
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Ammonium sulfate for Hemoglobin
Precipitation of HGB
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Thormalen for melanin
Prussian blue color
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Sulkowitch for calcium
Obsolete urine chemical test and analyte end result:
Fantus for chloride
white precipitate
Micral test normal protein range:
<10mg/dL or 100 mg/24 hours
Microalbuminuria range for micral test:
20-200 mg/L
Albuminuria range for micral test:
> 200 mg/L
Indication of microalbuminuria and albuminuria
Kidney problems
Principle of Microalbumin Testing (Immunologic Testing)
Enzyme Immunoassay
Sensitivity of Micral test
0-10 mg/dL
Reagents for Microalbumin testing
Gold-labeled antibody
Chlorophenol red galactoside
Interference for Micral Test
False-negative: Dilute urine
Immunodip principle
Sensitivity for Immunodip
1.2 to 8.0 mg/dL
Reagents for immunodip
Antibody-coated blue latex particles