Paper 2 - Rivers Fieldwork Flashcards
primary data
data you collected first-hand during the investigation
secondary data
data collected by another party that you have used in the investigation
Statement of what you’re trying to investigate
An idea or explanation that can be tested through study and experimentation
the process of investigation to find answers to question
systematic sampling
means working to a system to collect data, for example every 10m across the river
random sampling
where samples are chosen fairly randomly, and every pebble has an equal chance of being selected
stratified sampling
means collecting a sample, made up of different parts e.g. deliberately selecting samples of different pebble sizes from a point in the river to gain a range of pebbles found there
quantitive data
numerical data
qualitative data
any information gathered that is not numerical data
what was your secondary data (RURAL)
food risk
what was your secondary data (URBAN)
- crime rate
- census data