Paper 1 Key Titles Flashcards
What are the four factors for functionalism and what’s the stretch?
1) social solidarity
2) secondary socialisation
2) specialist skills
4) sifting and sorting
5) the bridge - stretch
What are the four factors for Marxism and what’s the stretch?
1) social control
2) the correspondence principle
3) secondary socialisation
4) sifting and sorting
5) anti school subculture - stretch
What’s the four factors for feminism?
1) social control
2) secondary socialisation
3) specialist skills
4) sifting and sorting
what’s the 5 out of school factors for gender - girls?
1) the impact of feminism
2) changes in the family
3) changes in women’s unemployment
4) changing ambitions
5) equal opportunities
What are the four in school factors for gender - girls?
1) challenging stereotypes in the curriculum
2) positive role models
3) gcse and coursework
4) teacher interaction / labelling
What are the 3 out of school factors in gender - boys?
1) boys poor literacy skills
2) globalisation and the decline of traditional male jobs
3) unrealistic ambitions
What are the 3 in school factors for gender - boys?
1) the feminisation of education
2) teacher interactions
3) laddish subcultures
what are the 5 out of school factors in cultural deprivation?
1) parental interest - Douglas
2) parents education
3) linguistic development
4) attitudes and values
5) language - speech codes (Bernstein)
What are the four factors for material deprivation?
1) finances
2) housing
3) diet and health
4) fear of debt / university entry - stretch
What are the 3 out of school factors for cultural capital?
1) marketisation policies
2) streaming A-C economy
3) competition and selection
What are 3 in school factors for cultural capital?
1) labelling and self fulfilling propechy
2) setting and streaming
3) subcultures
What are the 5 out of school factors in ethnicity?
1) material deprivation
2) cultural deprivation - family structure
3) cultural deprivation - attitude and values
4) cultural deprivation - intellectual and linguistic skills
5) racism in the wider society
What are the 8 in school factors in ethnicity?
1) radicalised expectations
2) pupils identities - archer
3) pupil response and subcultures - stretch
4) institutional racism
5) marketisation
6) assessment game
7) new IQism
8) ethnocentric curriculum
What are the 8 factors in gender identity?
1) male peer groups
2) teachers and discipline
3) the male gaze
4) double standards
5) verbal abuse
6) female peer groups: policing identity
7) trends
8) successful wc girls
What are the 3 identities in ethnicity and identity?
1) the ideal pupil identity
2) the pathologised identity
3) the demonised identity