Page 7 Flashcards
How are alkenes classified?
A: Alkenes are classified based on the number of carbon atoms (R groups) bonded to the carbons of the double bond.
What is a monosubstituted alkene?
A: An alkene where one R group is attached to the carbons of the double bond, while the rest are hydrogen atoms.
What is a monosubstituted alkene?
A: An alkene where one R group is attached to the carbons of the double bond, while the rest are hydrogen atoms.
What is a disubstituted alkene?
A: An alkene where two R groups are attached to the carbons of the double bond.
What is a trisubstituted alkene?
A: An alkene where three R groups are attached to the carbons of the double bond.
What is a tetrasubstituted alkene?
A: An alkene where four R groups are attached to the carbons of the double bond.
Which type of alkene substitution is the least substituted?
A: Monosubstituted alkenes are the least substituted.
What is the relationship between alkene substitution and stability?
A: The more substituted the alkene, the more stable it is due to hyperconjugation and electron-donating effects of alkyl groups.
How would you classify CH₃CH=CH₂?
A: It is a monosubstituted alkene because one R group (CH₃) is attached to the double bond.
How would you classify the structure of a cyclohexene with one methyl group attached to the double bond?
A: It is a trisubstituted alkene because three R groups (two from the ring and one methyl group) are attached to the double bond.