Page 32 Flashcards
What is the kinetic order of an E1 reaction?
A: First order.
How many steps are involved in the E1 mechanism?
A: Two steps.
Which type of alkyl halides react fastest in an E1 reaction?
A: More substituted alkyl halides (R₃CX > R₂CHX > RCH₂X).
What type of base is favored in E1 reactions?
A: Weaker bases, such as H₂O and ROH.
How does the leaving group affect the rate of an E1 reaction?
A: A better leaving group increases the reaction rate as the bond to the leaving group is partially broken in the rate-determining step.
What type of solvent is required for E1 reactions?
A: Polar protic solvents that solvate ionic intermediates.
Why are E1 reactions of alkyl halides less useful than E2 reactions?
A: E1 reactions often compete with Sₙ1 reactions.
What is the rate-determining step in an E1 reaction?
A: The formation of the carbocation.
In an E1 reaction, what happens after the carbocation is formed?
A: A proton is removed to form a double bond.
Why do polar protic solvents favor E1 reactions?
A: They stabilize the ionic intermediates formed during the reaction.