Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology Flashcards
Type of hearing test for 6-18 months
Distraction test
Type of hearing test for 2-3 years
Visual reinforced audiometry
Type of hearing test 3-5 years
Play audiometry
Hearing test for 4 years plus
Pure tone audiometry=
What is the normal maximum times a kid can have a runny/blocked nose in a year?
8 episodes a year up to 15 days
Which sinuses are to blame in a runny nose in 0-4 months normally
Which sinuses are to blame normally in a kid with a runny nose who’s 3-7 years old?
What sinus is normally to blame in kids of 8-adolescent with a runny or blocked nose?
Tx from rhinitis
Nasal douching
Nasal steriods
What should you check for in someone with large adenoids?
Sleep apnoea
What’s choanal atresia?
Congenital condition where the back of the nose is blocked with abnormal membranous or bony tissue
S+S of choanal atresia
Unable to breathe
Is choanal atresia common or uncommon, bilateral or unilateral?
Tx for epistaxis
Appropriate first aid
Antibiotic ointments
- silver nitrate under LA
- diathermy under GA
Nasal packing
Aetiology of tonsillitis
-b haem strep B
Or viral