p1 - topic 9: personality disorders Flashcards
deviation for pd must manifest in more than one of the areas:
- cognitive
- affectivity
- control over impulses
- manner of relating to others
cluster c
anankastic (ocpd)
anxious (avoidant)
what does dsm stand for?
diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders
what is the axis 3 for dsm4?
relevant mental conditions (cancer patient experiencing anxiety / depression)
what is the axis 1 for dsm4?
mental health and substance use disorder: distinguishable clinical symptoms (mood disorders, anxiety disorders, ed, psychotic disorder)
cluster b
emotionally unstable
necessary conditions for disorders
- personal distress / adverse impact on the social env./both
- must be evidence that the deviation is stable and of long duration, having its onset in late childhood/adolescence
- deviation cannot be explained as a manifestation/conseq of other adult mental disorders
- organic brain disease, injury/dysfunction must be excluded as possible cause of deviation
what is the axis 4 for dsm4?
psychosocial and environmental problems
cluster a
what does icd stand for?
international statistical classification of diseases and health problems
what is the axis 2 for dsm4?
personality disorders and mental retardation
what is the axis 5 for dsm4?
global rate of functioning, from 0-100