p1 - topic 8: cognitive model Flashcards
steps of mischel cognitive personality model
subjective benefit of the behaviour
self-regulating systems
greenwald and pratkanis layers of self
- diffuse self
- public self
- personal self
- collective self
totalitarian ego (greenwald)
3 system distortions as every person views the world differently
1. egocentricity
2. beneffectance
3. cognitive conservation (conformation error, memory rewriting)
why it’s useful that schemas are adaptive?
- you can make better decisions, you will be better at adaptation
- schematic thoughts don’t contain every aspect of the info, rather a structure
- helps the world be more predictable
positive illusions
necessary for mental health and physical well being
- unrealistic positive view of the self
- illusion of control
- optimism bias
why are schemas adaptive?
can predict thoughts and direction of them and consequent behaviour
assimilation vs accommodation
assimilation: view the present from the past (i was lucky, they were kind)
accommodation: change how you viewed yourself in the psat with future experience (i learnt a lot)
multiple selves
psychologist: william james
- material self
- social self
- spiritual self
i vs me schema
i: active part of the self, reflective, thinking
1. as we have learnt to do
2. using our own valuing processes
me: reflective part of the self
1. competence
2. evaluation of important others
higgins - self discrepancy theory
real self (aspects we posses)
ideal self(aspects we would like to posses)
expected self (aspects which we think are expected from us)
real self/ideal self conflict: dissapointment, depression, shame
real self/expected self conflict: guilt, anxiety, fear