P's & Q's Flashcards
Model or pattern; worldview, set of shared assumptions, values, etc.
Far from being atypically bawdy, this limerick is a paradigm of the form - nearly all limericks rely on off-color jokes.
Contradiction, or seeming contradiction that is actually true.
Kayla was always bothering the youth minister with her paradoxes, such as, “If God is all powerful, can He make a burrito so big He can’t eat it?”
Model of excellence, perfect example.
Unlike his sister, he was a paragon of responsibility, taking in her three children when she went to jail, and even switching jobs so he could be there to pick them up from school.
Biased prejudicial, favoring one over others; having a special liking for something or someone (usually partial to); can also mean “in part”.
Although I grew up in New York, I’ve always been partial to country music.
His lawyer are appealing on the grounds that the judge was partial to the plaintiff, even playing golf with the plaintiff during the trial.
Obvious, apparent, plain to see (adj); a letter from a government guaranteeing an inventor the rights to his or her invention (noun).
Her resume was full of patent lies: anyone could check to see that she had never been president of UNICEF.
Travel around while selling; sell illegally; give out or disseminate.
After an unsuccessful year spent peddling cutlery door to door, he turned to peddling drugs, thus landing himself in jail.
“I don’t want these people peddling lies to our children,” said Mrs. Hoffman, protesting against candy manufacturers lobbying for more lenient advertising rules.
Outer part of a shadow from an eclipse; any surrounding region, fringe, periphery; any area were something only partially exists.
The Constitution doesn’t specifically mention a right to privacy, but some experts consider this to exist in the penumbra of the Constitution, as a guarantee of privacy is needed in order to exercise the rights that are enumerated.
The rent in Chicago was too high, so they moved to a suburb in he penumbra of the city.
The most common use of per is “for each” as in, We will need one sandwich per child. However, per may also mean “by means of” or “according to,” as in I have delivered the package per your instructions.
Happening at regular intervals.
Make perpetual, cause to continue.
Failing public schools in already distressed neighborhoods only perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
Relating to the normal functioning of a living thing.
A rapid heart rate is a physiological response to fear.
Depending on something bigger or more important. Piggyback literally refers to one person (often a child) riding on the back of another. This word can be an adverb, adjective, or noun.
The jobs bill arrived piggyback on the urgent disaster relief bill - a pretty dirty trick, if you ask me.
Maybe we can piggyback this smaller design project onto the bigger one and end up saving some money with out web designers.
Pilot program (or project)
Program planned as a test or trial.
Before rolling out the program nationwide, a pilot program was launched in just three cities.
Related to government by the wealthy.
Divided into sharply opposed groups.
The members of the club were polarized; half were adamant that a bake sale would earn the most money and the other half were convinced that a car wash would be better.