A's Flashcards
Reduce or diminish.
Her stress over spending so much money on a house abated when the real estate broker told her about the property’s 15-year tax abatement.
Aberration, Anomaly
Something that stands out or is abnormal. Outlier is similar.
The election of a liberal candidate in the conservative county was an aberration (or anomaly), made possible only by the sudden death of the conservative candidate two days before the election.
Great praise or approval.
Accord, Discord
Accord is agreement, and discord is disagreement.
Our management is in accord with regulatory agencies; we agree that standards should be tightened.
Desire to acquire more, especially an excessive desire.
The firm did well in buying up its competitors as a means of growth, but its acquisitiveness ultimately resulted in problems related to growing too quickly.
Land measured in acres.
Our property is large, but much of the acreage is swampland not suitable for building.
Adhere to and Adherent
To stick to (literally, such as with glue, or metaphorically, such as to a plan or belief). An adherent is a person who sticks to a belief or cause.
The adherents of the plan won’t admit that, in the long term, such a policy would bankrupt our state.
Employees who do not adhere to the policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
Make something up on the spot, give an unprepared speech; Freely, as needed, according to desire.
We have ended our policy of rationing office supplies-pens may now be given to employees ad-lib.
Take and make one’s own; vote to accept. You can adopt a child, of course, a new policy. To adopt a plan implies that you didn’t come up with it yourself.
Before the advent of the internet, people often called reference librarians to look up information for them in the library’s reference section.
Unfavorable, opposed.
The professor is adverse to any experiments that involve living subjects because those subjects could suffer adverse effects.
The ability to use power or influence.
Some global warning deniers acknowledge that the planet is heating up, but argue that human agency does not affect the climate.
Make worse.
Allowing you band to practice in our garage has greatly aggravated my headache.
Completely, overall. Altogether is an adverb; it is one word. I tis not the same as all together, as in Let’s sing all together.
It was an altogether stunning new design.
Uncertain, unable to decide; wanting to do two contradictory things at once.
The health care plan has been met with ambivalence from lawmakers who would like to pass the bill but find supporting it to be politically impossible.