L's Flashcards
Not shiny; dull, mediocre; lacking brilliance or vitality.
Many young people today are so accustomed to being praised by parents and adults that they are shocked when a lackluster effort in the workplace receives the indifference or mild disapproval it deserves.
Object (such as a building) that stands out and can be used to navigate by; a very important place, event, etc.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark in the battle for equality.
In Lebanon, many roads are unmarked, and people navigate by landmarks; for instance, you might be directed to the “third house down from the water tower.”
Potential; existing but not visible or active. A similar word is dormant.
Certain experts believe that some people have a genetic propensity for addiction; however, if such a person never comes into contact with drugs, the propensity for addiction can remain latent for life.
Sideways, related to or located at the side. A lateral move in a career is taking a new job at the same level.
Not strict; careless, loose, slack.
My parents were really lax about homework - they never checked to see whether I did it. Sadly, this legacy of laxity is not serving me well while studying for the GRE.
Regular people, nonspecialists.
The doctor’s books were so successful because he was able to explain complicated medical concepts in colloquial language for the layperson.
Collect tax from or wage war on; act of collecting tax or amount owed, or the drafting of troops into military service.
When England levied yet another tax on the colonists, the were pushed one further step towards levying war. Soon, the worried British began to levy troops.
Favorable to progress or reform; believing in maximum possible individual freedom; tolerant, open-minded; generous. (“Liberal” in modern American politics isn’t quite the same as the dictionary definition. For instance, liberal Democrats tend to favor social programs that require a larger government to administer, while some conservatives say that liberalism means having the smallest government possible in order to maximize freedom.)
Split pea soup benefits from a liberal application of pepper.
Liberal reforms in Egypt pushed for freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly.
Remove (such as a restriction), improve, or lighten (such as a person’s mood).
If the city government lifts the water rationing restrictions, we’ll be able to hold a car wash.
Also, in addition to; similarly, in the same way. In conversation, likewise can mean “Me, too.” (“Nice to meet you.” “Likewise.”)
Chip was baffled by all the silverware set before him, so when his host began eating salad with the smallest, leftmost fork. Chip did likewise.
Keep a record of, write down; travel for or at a certain distance or speed; a written record.
Lawyers who bill by the hour have to be sure to log all the time they spend on every client’s case.
You cannot get your pilot’s license until you have logged 40 hours of flight time.