P block elements Flashcards
How many grps are in p block
The exception of p block electronic configuration is
The maximum oxidation number of p block is
Total number of valence electrons in s and p
The occurrence of oxidation state two units less than the grp oxidation state is because of
Inert pair effect
For heavier elements the stable oxidation state would be
Two unit less than grp oxidation state
Where in the periodic table does non Metals and metalloids exist
P block
Which has higher ionization enthalpy and high electronegativity
Non metals
The first members of p block difrers from other members in their ability to form p pi = p pi bonds
The heavier elements of p block forms p pi = d pi bonds or d pi= d pi bonds
As d orbitals are of high energy they contribute less to the stability of the molecules than p pi = P pi bond
Boron occurs as
Orthoboric acid ( H3BO3)
Kernite Na2B4O7.4 H2O
Borax Na2B4O7. 10 H20
Important ore of aluminium is
Bauxite Al2O3.2H20
Cryolite Na3AlF6
The atomic radius of Ga is less than that of Al
Due to Poor screening effect
The reason for decrease in ionization enthalpy between B and Al
Increase in size
The reason for decrease in ionization enthalpy Al and Ga, In and Tl is due to
Low screening effect of d and f electrons
The electronegativity in 13th grp decreases from
B to Al
The electronegativity in 13th grp Increases from
Al to Tl
Tendency to form Lewis acid decreases with
Increase in size down the grp
AlCl3 achieves stability as a dimer
Boron is reactive in chtystalline form
Amorphous Boron is reactive
Boron trioxide is
Acidic in natureb
Aluminium and Gallium oxides
Amphoteric oxides
Indium and thallium oxides are
Concentrated nitric acid renders aluminum passive by forming a protective oxide layer
P block elements react with halogens to form
Trihalides ( except Tl I3)
White fumes appear around-the-bottle of
Anhydrous aluminium chloride
Carbon is
17th most abundant
Which 14 grp element exist as traces
Tin occurs mainly as
Casseterite ( SnO2)
Lead occurs mainly as
Galena ( PbS)
Considerable increase in covalent radius from
C to Si