Oxygen Delivery and Rates Flashcards
Nasal Cannula (low Flow)
1-2 Lpm =24-28%
3-5Lpm = 32-40%
6Lpm = 44%
Nasal Cannula (high flow)
Max is 60 L/m
10 L/min = 65%
15 L/m = 90%
Simple Mask (low flow)
5-8L/m = 40-60%
5 L is the minimum setting
Nonrebreather Mask
low flow
10-15L/min = 80-95%
Venturi Mask
high flow
4-6 L/min = 24-40%
Respiratory Rates, Pattern, and Breath sounds of Infant
RR: 20-40 Breath/min
Pattern: abdominal breathing, irregular rate and depth
Chest wall: thin, little muscle, and sternum easily seen
Breath Sounds: loud, harsh crackles at the end of inspiration
Shape of Thorax: round
Respiration: 1-5 YO
RR: 25-32 Breath/min
Pattern: abdominal breathing, irregular
Chest wall: same as infants but with more subcutaneous fat
Sounds: loud, harsh expiration longer than inspiration
Shape: elliptical
Respiration: 6-12 YO
18-26 breath/min
Pattern: thoracic breathing, regular
Chest Wall: further subcutaneous fat deposited, structure less prominent
Sounds: clear inspiration is longer than expieration
Shape: elliptical
Respiration 65+
16-24 breath/min Pattern: thoracic, regular Chest wall: thin, structures prominent Sounds: clear Shape of thorax: barrel shaped or elliptical
ABG: Normal Values
pH: 7.35-7.45 PCO2: 35-45 mmHG PO2: 80-100 mmHG HCO3: 22-26 mEq/L base excess or deficit -2+2 mmol/L
lab studies used to assess cardiopulmonary function
ABG, CBC, Cardiac Biomarkers, Cytologic study
SpO2 Range
95-100% Normal
88-92% COPD
Less than 90% is a clinical emergency
Respiration: Adult
12-20 breath/min