Ch. 10 Leading, Managing, and Delegating Vocab Flashcards
autocratic leadership
leadership style in which the leader assumes complete control over the decisions and activities of the group
Care coordination
deliberate organization of pt care activities between two or more participants to facilitate the appropriate delivery of quality health care services in an efficient person centered manner, mechanism to make sure that patients get the right care at the right time in the most efficient and cost effective manner, by the right person in the right setting
process of transforming, altering or modifying something
conflict engagement
method by which nurses can comfortably and respectfully address conflict in the workplace by creating connections with others to build trust
conflict management
process used to wrk through conflicts in a way that minimizes negative effects and promotes positive consequences
decentralized decision making process
autonomous, accountable nursing practice, a characteristic of a democratic leadership style and the heart of a self governance model of unit organization
the transfer of responsibility for the performance of an activity to another individual while retaining accountability fo the outcome
democratic leadership
leadership style characterized by a sense of equality between the leader and followers
explicit power
power retained by virtue of a persons position
implied power
power obtained by force of a persons personality that might enable that person to have more power to influence others than designated leaders
just culture
refers to an organizations commitment to accountability and a focus supporting universal safety in health care
laissez-faire leadership
leadership style in which the leader relinquishes all power to the group
ability to direct or motivate others toward the achievement of predetermined goals
the act of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling available human resources and financial resources to deliver quality care to pateitns and families
relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) advises and assists a less experienced person