Overactive and Underactive muscles Flashcards
Concentrically accelerates plantar flexion
Soleus and gastrocenemius
Concentrically accelerates hip extension and external rotation
Glute Maximus
Concentrically accelerates hip flexion , abduction, and internal rotation
TFL (hi flabir)
Concentrically accelerates hip flexion and external rotation as well as rotates the lumbar spice
Accelerates shoulder adduction, extension and internal and rotation
Lat dorsi (remember SAD in and out)
What are the 5 kinetic chain check points
Foot and ankle Knee Lumbo pelvic hip complex Shoulders Head and cervical spine
The anterior view you evaluate for
Feet pronated or turned out, knees abducted or adducted
From the lateral view you evaluate what compensations
Arched back, rounded shoulders, forward head
Knees should be
In line with toes
Designed to assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control
Squat assessment
How many reps are performed on a squat assessment
5; squat height of a chair
Set up for an Overhead squat assessment
Remove shoes
Feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed straight ahead
Foot/ ankle in neutral position
Arms over head
Feet flatten ( Overactive)
Bicep femoris
Lat gastrocenemius
(BLT Please)
Feet flatten ( Underactive)
Med gastrocenemius
Anterior and post tibs
Feet turn out (Overactive)
Bicep femoris
Lat gastrocenemius
Feet turn out (underactive)
gracilis medial hamstring Medial gastroceniuemus popliteal Sartorius (GraMMPS)
Knees In (over active)
Vastus laterus Bicep femoris Adductors TFL (VLBAT)
Knees in (underactive)
Low Back Arch (Overactive)
Hip flexors
Erector Spinae
Lat Dorsi
Low back arch (underactive)
Hamstring complex
Arms fall forward (overactive)
Pectoralis major
Teres major
Lat dorsi
(Praise The Lord)
Arms fall forward (underactive)
Mid-lower Trap
Rotator cuff
Excessive lean forward (overactive)
Hip flexor
(Leaning HAGS)
Excessive lean forward (underactive)
Ant and post tibs
erector spine
Transitional movement assessment that assesses dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control
SL squat assessment.
If too difficult. Use some for assistance or substitute a SL balance
How many reps in the pushing assessment
20; split stance, shoulder level
Shoulder elevate (Overactive)
Upper traps
levator scapule
Shoulder elevate (Underactive)
Mid-lower trap
Forward head(Overactive)
Upper traps
Levator scapule
Forward head (Underactive)
Cervical flexors
Strengthening exercise for Feet turning out
SL balance reach
Strengthening exercises for knees in
Tube walking, Ball squat and bride with abduction
Strengthening exercises for excessive forward lean
Quadruped arm/opposite leg raise
ball squats
Strengthening exercise for Low back arch
Quadruped arm/ opp leg raise
Ball wall squats
Floor and ball bridges
Strengthening exercise for arms fall forward
Squat to row and Cobra
Strengthening exercise for elevating shoulders
ball cobra
Strengthening exercise for head forward
chin tuck
What muscle lifts the leg up, moves leg outward and rotates the spine
What muscle Pulls arms to the side, pulls arms down, and internally rotates the arm
Lat dorsi
What muscle brings the knee up, turns leg in and moves leg away from the body
What muscle lifts leg back and rotates leg out
Hip external rotation