Chapter 6 Flashcards
Occupation, lifestyle, medical, and personal info are all examples of
Subjective info
Physiologic, Body comp, Cardiorespiratory assessment, static & dynamic assessments, performance assessments are all examples of what
Objective info
What should you do if an undiagnosed health issue comes up
Send to healthcare professional
Formula for calculating estimated Max HR
220-age x zone %
HR for zone 1
HR for zone 2
HR for Zone 3
Which HR zone builds an aerobic base and aids in recovery
Zone 1
Which HR zone increases aerobic and anaerobic endurance
Zone 2
Which zone does interval training begin
Zone 2
Which HR zone builds high end work capacity
Zone 3
Name the 3 common postural distortion patterns
Upper crossed
Lower Crossed
Which distortion pattern is eversion associated with
Name the Tight (overactive) Short muscles in Pronation distortion Syndrome
Peroneals Iliotibial band Gastrocnemious bicep femoris adductors Soleus Hip flexors (PIGBASH)
Name the weak (Underactive) long muscles Pronation distortion
Hip external rotators Glutes Ant and posterior tib Vastus Medius/ max (HER BUTT 2 BITS VASTLY)
What are the altered joint mechanics associated with pronation distortion syndrome
Increased knee adduction and internal rotation
Increased foot pronation and external rotation
Decrease ankle dorsiflexion and ankle inversion
Possible injuries associated with pronation distortion syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Post tibialis
Patellar tendonitis
Low back pain
Lower crossed syndrome can be identified by
Ant Tilt to pelvis or arched back
Short over active muscles in Lower crossed syndrome
Hip flexors Adductors Gastrocnemius Soleus Lat dorsi Erector spine (HAGSLE)
Underactive/ weak/ long muscles associated with Lower crossed
Glutes internal oblique transverse abs Anterior and post tibs (GITATP)
What are the altered joint mechanics in lower crossed syndrome
increased lumbar extension
Decreased hip extension
Possible injuries of Lower crossed
hamstring complex
ant knee pain
Low back pain
Characteristics of upper crossed syndrome
rounded shoulder, forward head
Short(tight) Overactive muscles in upper crossed
Lat dorsi Levator scapulae Upper traps Scalenes Teres Major Pectoralis major Sternocleiodmastoid Subscalpularis
Weakened Underactive muscles with upper crossed
Mid - lower traps Teres minor Rhomboids Serratus anterior Deep cervical Flexors infraspinatis
Altered joint mechanics with upper crossed
Increased Cervical extension and scapular protraction
Decreased shoulder extension and external rotation
Injuries associated with upper crossed
Bicep tendonitis
Rotator cuff impingement
Thoracic outlet syndrome
tests lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control
Sharks skill test
What are the sites measured for the skin fold test
Iliac crest
At what BMI are you at an increased risk for disease
> 25
Pressure in arterial system when heart contracts
Pressure in arterial system when heart relaxes
Normal Bp
Htn BP
What part of assessment is the Par Q
When you you refer a client to the Dr. according to the PAR-Q
1 or more risk factors
Low risk: no signs and symptoms 1 or less risk factors
Mod Risk: no signs and symptoms ; 2 “ “
High Risk: one or more signs or symptoms of disease
General health history includes
Occupation, movement patters, dress shoes, Stress
Lifestyle questionnaire asks about
Hobbies, recreational activities
Any pain/ injuries, surgeries, chronic conditions and medication will be found in ?
Medical history
Two uses of beta blockers
Arrhythmia and htn
What effect do Beta blockers have on HR ad BP
Calculation for HRR method
220-age=hr max
HRmax-HRrest x desired intensity + HRrest
All skinfolds should be done
Twice and on the right side of the body not after exercise
4 methods of testing body composition
Skin fold
Bioelectrical impedence
Underwater weighing
Circumference measurement (waist hip ratio) most used clinical application of girth measurements
Which is the best measure of BF calculations for an obese person
waist/hip ratio
.80 women
.95 men
How do you calculate BMI
At what BMI does risk of disease increase?
> 25
Two methods to test for cardiorespiratory fitness
Rockport and YMCA
Who should do performance assessments
Clients looking to improve athletic performance
Name the 5 Performance test
Push up- how many in 60 seconds. Can be modied to knees if client lacks upper body
Shark skill- Assess lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control.progression from SL squat. 9-12 squares 12 inch boxes. Can regress to two legs. Two times runs. Deduct .10.
Davies-measures upper extremity agility and stabilization. 2 pieces of tape 36 in apart. Not for people with poor shoulder stability. (15 seconds. Repeat 3 times, total # of touches)
Bench press-Advanced for specific strength goals. 5-10% or 10-20lb
Squat- 10-20% or 30-40 lbs
3-5 reps; rest 2 min repeat
What can you not do as a health and fitness professional
Diagnose medical conditions Prescribe treatments Prescribe diets Provide treatment of any kind for injury or disease Provide rehab services for clienst Provide counseling for clients
A pre participation health screening
Low risk on a Par Q
no signs or symptoms and = 1 CVD risk factor
Moderate risk on a PAR Q
No signs and symptoms >/= 2 CVD risk factors
High risk on a PAR Q
Signs and symptoms present
Questions asked in a PARQ
heart condition, chest pain, dizziness, unconsciousness, bone or joint problems, meds for high BP or heart condition. Is there any other reason why you should not engage in physical activity?
extended periods of sitting, repetitive movements, dress shoes, mental stress
Client occupation questions
Prescribed for htn and angina
Calcium channel blocker
Prescribed for HTN and CHF
Prescribed for HTN, CHF and PE
Prescribed for Pulm Disease
Med that decreases BP and HR
Beta Blocker
Decreases BP and has either effect on HR
Calcium channel blocker
Increase or no change in heart rate and decrease or no change in BP
Nitrates, vasodilators
Dont affect HR or BP
Circumference measurements:
Neck: across adams apple
Waist: Narrowest point or across navel
Chest: Across nipple line
Hips: Feet together Widest portion of buttocks
Thighs: 10 in above top of patella
Calves: max circumferenceb/w knee and ankle
Bispes: palms forward, arm extended. max circumference
Explain YMCA step test
3 minutes/ 12 inch step. UP UP down down. Take heart rate immediately after. (within 5 seconds) 24 step cyscles 96 steps
Explain Rockport
Record Client weight, walk AFAP for 1 mile. Record time, and immediately check HR