What is the benefiting of OUTLOOK integration?
Increase sales rep productivity by eliminating double entry
Accessing both outlook and SF records in one place
What are the issues with double entry of using both SF and outlook?
Context is lost
Greater chance for data entry error
Compromised data quality
What are the TWO Outlook Integration Features?
Access Salesforce features in Outlook
See and relate relevant Salesforce content in Outlook
What accessible Salesforce features are in Outlook?
Create Salesforce records (ex., such as leads, opportunities, accounts, ..)
Relate email messages and nonrecurring calendar events to multiple Salesforce contacts .
Search for Salesforce records.
What relevant Salesforce content in Outlook that you can see and relate?
Reps add email that’s relevant to the sales cycle
You help boost Salesforce adoption among your sales team.
What are the Einstein Activity Capture Features?
Sync contacts and events
See emails and events on related Salesforce records
Get critical sales context alongside relevant emails
What servers are required to use Einstein Activity Capture ?
Google G suite account
Microsoft Exchange
Einstein Activity Capture is NOT available
in all SF edition org
What is Einstein Activity Capture ?
A productivity tool that keep data between SF and your email and calendar up to date.
What are the three types of data that EINSTEIN focuses on?
How do you give access to Einstein for those who do not have access?
Standard Einstein permission set
What are the requirements for integrating outlook integrating with Einstein ?
Specific SF org
Email server
User licenses
Email clients
Data Storage
After you enable this Outlook integration feature, users need to get the __________app from Microsoft AppSource or by file download.
Why should you make sure “Use Enable Enhanced Email with Outlook is on”?
to log emails as standard message objects
By Activating “Email to Salesforce” this setting lets
reps add (or log) Outlook emails and their attachments to Salesforce records as Salesforce emails
Attachments for ________ aren’t logged.
When using Einstein Activity Capture, email and event capture automatically adds ___________ and events to the activity timeline of related Salesforce records.
Outlook emails
After setting up the integration with Outlook you can __________ the Outlook Integration pane
How do you customize Outlook Integration pane?
Under Lightning App Builder , thru the Email Application Pane
Where do you find the Email Application Pane?
Under Lightning App Builder
Once you add components Email Application Pane section, you can assign the panes to ________.
Where can you assign an email application pane to profiles?
You will be prompted to assign once you select “ACTIVATION” in the top right corner.
Create lightning email template and then add template _________ to a customized App builder email APP pane
Email templates are automatically _________ but can be made public
All users have their own private _____________ and can access templates in a public folder
What must you do if you want to use Einstein instead of Lightning Sync
Turn off Lightning Sync
Where can you turn OFF Lightning Sync
Under Outlook integration
What is the first step in Setting Up Einstein Activity Capture?
Give users access to Einstein Activity Capture through a permission set.
After giving users permissions to Einstein Activity Capture where should you go to enable this feature?
QF “Einstein Activity Capture”>
The guided setup flow guides you through the following steps.
If you use only Einstein Activity Standard, turn on _________insights.
If you use Einstein Activity Capture through an add-on license, _____ insights is turned on by default
What can sales rep do with INBOX feature tool?
Insert their availability slots from their calendar directly in their email message
See when customers open the email and whether they clicked any links inserted
Create shortcuts for the phrases they use most and easily add them to the body of their email message
Draft an email message and send it when the customer is most likely online.
What is required to use the INBOX feature
org with an Inbox license
Where can you enable INBOX features?
Outlook Integration and Sync>
Let users access Salesforce records from Outlook>
Inbox in the Outlook Integration>
Edit >
Make Inbox Available to Users
In the Salesforce Inbox page, select ______________Sets in the Who Can Use Inbox section.
Assign Permission