Chatter Administration: Enable Feed Tracking Flashcards
Describe what feed tracking is
A features that allow users to be notified when a track field :
value changes—
an account gets a new owner
field name is revised.
When a tracked field changes, it triggers both Chatter posts and
email notifications.
Many records and fields are _________ by default
You can track fields on User, Group, Custom, and
________ objects, and the most ________ objects.
In Lightning Experience, Feed Tracking must be enabled for an _________for Chatter to be available to it.
The only objects that feed tracking does NOT need to be enabled are _______, _______ and _______.
Group, Site, and User objects;
Fields that are tracked by default when you enable feed tracking for:
Accounts: Account Name, Account Owner
Cases: Case Owner, Priority
Groups: Allow Customers, Description, Access Type, Information, Information Title, Name, Owner
Contacts: Account Name, Contact Owner, Name
Leads: Lead Owner, Lead Status, Name
Opportunities: Amount, Close Date, Opportunity Name, Opportunity Owner, Stage
Users: About Me, Address, Email, Manager, Phone, Title
Sharing rules and field-level security affect the visibility of record changes in Chatter feeds. Users must be able to access a ________to see notifications about changes to that record in their feeds.
In Chatter, tracked field updates that are older than
__ days and have no likes or comments are deleted automatically.
To Enable and Customize Feed Tracking go to
From the list of objects, select the record to enable tracking
Up to ___ fields can be tracked per OBJECT.
After enabling feed tracking for an object, you must then select
the field you want to track IF they aren’t already tracked by default
The number of tracked fields appears to the _____ of the object.
_________ are collections of feed tracked change items that you see in feeds
Feed tracked changes (FTCs) are bundled when at least ______ with the same parent ID are formed within a specified time.