Specimen collection
- Throat swab (one or two) containing fibrinous exudates
- A portion of pseudomembrane
- Nose or skin specimens (if infected)
Direct Smear Microscopy
gram stain:
* Club- shaped
* Gram +ve- purple
* Arranged in V- or L-
Albert’s stain:
green bacilli with bluish black metachromatic granules at the poles
Culture characteristics-
- C.diphtheriae-fastidious,aerobeorfacultative
- enriched medium
1. 5% sheep Blood agar
2. Loeffler’s serum slope
3. Chocolate agar
4. Selective medium- Potassium tellurite agar
Blood Agar
Colonies are small circular, white and sometimes hemolytic (mitis biotype)
Loeffler’s serum slope
Colonies appear as small, circular, glistening, and white with a yellow tinge in 6–8 hours
(1) Growth can be detected as early as 6–8 hours.
(2) Best medium for metachromatic granules production
Potassium tellurite agar(PTA)
black colonies of C. diphtheriae
Advantages: Commensals are inhibited
Biochemical tests
-Sugar fermentation test using Hiss’s serum sugar media (+ve)
- Methyl red +ve
- Pyrazinamidase test (-ve)
Human pathogenic C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis, DO NOT produce pyrazinamidase while other corynebacteria members produce - Indole, Citrate, Urease test, VP (-ve)
Automated identification systems
Toxin Demonstration (In Vitro Test)-to test for toxigenic strain
Elek’s gel precipitation test:
-immunodiffusion in gel
1. Cross-over with each other—indicates unrelated strain
2. Spur formation—indicates partially related strain
3. Fused with each other—indicates identical strain
Other Toxin Demonstration (In Vitro Test)
- Detection of Tox gene by PCR
- Detection of diphtheria toxin by ELISA or immunochromatographic test
(ICT) - Cytotoxicity produced on cell lines.