diphtheria Flashcards
general characters of the causative agent
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Gram-positive, non-capsulated, non-sporing, non-motile bacillus.
* Irregularly stained and frequently shows club-shaped swellings
-Chinese letter or cuneiform arrangement
-Metachromatic granules
clinical manifestations
Respiratory Diphtheria- Faucial diphtheria
Extension of pseudomembrane
Bull-neck appearance
laboratory diagnosis
1)Direct Smear Microscopy-Gram stain,Albert’s stain
2) Isolation of Diphtheria Bacilli
-Blood Agar: Colonies are small circular, white and sometimes hemolytic
-Loeffler’s serum slope: Colonies appear as small, circular, glistening, and white with a yellow tinge in 6–8 hours
2. Selective Medium-Potassium tellurite agar (PTA): black color colours
- Identification
-Biochemical tests such as: IMVIC,
-Automated identification systems:MALDI-TOF or VITEK. - Toxin Demonstration (In Vitro Test)- Elek’s gel precipitation test
Post-exposure Prophylaxis
-booster dose of diphtheria vaccine+penicillinG (single dose)
or erythromycin (7–10 days)
-antidiphtheric serum
-antibiotics: penicilin or erythromycin
-diphtheria antitoxin-must do skin test b4 administer
Virulence Factors
Diphtheria toxin
Neurologic manifestations:
Cranial nerve involvement Peripheral neuropathy
Ciliary paralysis.