OSAS Flashcards
Define OSAS
Repititive episodes of hypopnea or apnea during sleep lasting for >10seconds resulting in >2% decrease in oxyhemoglobin caused by obstruction leading to collection of physiologic derangements
What is apnea
Complete cessation of airflow in the airway
What is hypopnea?
Cessation of airflow in the airway of >50%
Wisconsin sleep cohort study
Age: 30-40
4% in men
3% in women
Presenting symptoms of OSAS
Snoring Gasping fo breath Frequent wake up Morning headache Daytime sleepiness: Epworth sleepiness scale (0-24, normal 0-8) Impaired concentration and memory
Ix to reach Dx
Ess Psg Lat cephalogram Ct scan - site and size of obstruction in ap and lateral Sleep endoscopy - site
What do u assess from lat ceph in OSAS?
Skeletal deformities Airway - soft palate length - posterior airway space - hyoid to mandibular plane distance (height of pharynx)
What are infos PSG tells
Oxyhemoglobin saturation - hypoxemia, hypercapnia
Time of hypoxia
Marked swings in intrathoracic pressure
Sleep fragmentation
Index to report obstuctive events
AHI : (apnea + hypopnea) / total sleeping time x60
RDI : AHI + RERA /hour
PSG reading
For AHI <5 is normal 5-15 is mild 15- 30 is moderate >30 is severe
10-30 mild
30-50 moderate
>50 severe
Fujita classification
Describes the anatomical position of airway obstruction
Type 1 - oropharyngeal obstruction (retropalatal)
Type 2 - oro and hypopharyngeal obstruction (retropalatal + retrolingual)
Type 3 - narrow hypopharyngeal (retrolingual)
Tx Medical/ cons
weight loss diet control exercise positioning during sleep oral apliance cpap "gold standard"
Phase 1: Soft tissue surgery (aka multilevel surgeries - surgeries at different sites of obstruction)
Base of tongue reduction
Hyoid suspension
Surgical tx - indication acc to AASM
Failure or rejection of cpap
Permanent cure desire
Specific dentofacial deformity
Medically fit
Phase 2: Skeletal surgery
genioglossal advancement
Criteria for success
rdi <5/hr
Complications of OSAS
Increased rates of DM, HPT, AF, Stroke, HF, Pulm HPT, CAD.
Difficult intubation
Likely to have perioperative airway obstruction, hypoxemia, atelactasis, ischemia, pneumonia, prolonged hospitalization