Odontogenic Tumors Flashcards
EPITHELIAL Odontogenic tumors
Ameloblastoma AOT SOT CEOT KCOT
Odontogenic myxoma Odontogenic fibroma Cementoblastoma CGC odontogenic tumor
MIXED epithelial and mesenchymal tumors
Ameloblastic fibroma Ameloblastic fibroodontoma (AFO) Odontoma Gorlin cyst (calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor)
What are tumors with high recurrence?
Ameloblastoma OKC CEOT Odontogenic myxoma
What are treatment for tumors with high recurrence?
Resection with 1cm margin Surgical enucleation with adjunctive therapy: Carnoys solution or Cryotherapy
What is Carnoys solution?
Fixative agent that contains Ethanol: chloroform: glacial acetic acid (6:3:1)
What is the penetration rate of Carnoys solution?
Nerve: Soft tissue: Bony tissue: 1.54mm in 5mins Cyst lining:
What is cryotherapy?
Liquid nitrogen that induces freezing tempt to cause cell death
Rests of Serres - epithelial remnants in fibrous gingival tissues
AMELOBLASTOMA histopathology
- Palisaded ameloblast cells - tall columnar or cuboidal cells 2. Reverse polarization 3. Hyperchromatism nuclei 4. Basilar cytoplasmic vacuolization 5. Disconnected islands, cords, strands within the collagenized fibrous CT stroma
AMELO clinical pathology types
Solid multicystic ameloblstoma Unicystic ameloblastoma Extraosseous ameloblastoma Malignant ameloblastoma Ameloblastic Ca
Histo type of SMA
Follicular Plexiform Granular Acanthomatous Basal cell Desmoplastic
Radiographic features of SMA
- Multilocular radiolucency Honeycomb appearance Soap-bubble appearance *except Desmoplastic - more radiopaque dt collagenized stroma 2. Posterior mandible 3. Root resorption or displacement
Clinical features of SMA
Bony expansion buccolingually Facial disfigurement Mobile teeth
Histological types of Unicystic ameloblastoma
Intraluminal - ameloblastic lining that contains nodules that protrudes from the luminal epithelium into the cystic lumen Luminal - ameloblastic lining confined in the luminal lining Mural - ameloblastic lining that infiltrates the fibrous CT wall of the cyst
Clinical and Radiographic features of UNICYSTIC amelo
Unilocular radiolucency that causes bony expansion in bucco-lingual direction
What are recurrence rate of UNICYSTIC amelo
Resection: 0-3% Enucleation+Carnoys: 16% Enucleation alone: 30%
What are the recurrence rate for SMA
Enucleation alone: 60-80% Resection with margin: 15%
Pathogenesis of AOT
Remnant of Hertwigs epithelial root sheath
Clinical features of AOT
Pear shaped radiolucency around an impacted tooth that extends beyond the CEJ of tooth
Differential diagnosis of multilocular radiolucencies
SMA OKC CGCT Browns tumor odontogenic myxoma - cobweb appearance / multiloculations produced by thin and straight septa that resembling stepladder or tennis racket pattern.
Diff dx of histopathological finding of multinucleated giant cells
CGCT Browns Cherubism Aneurysmal bone cyst
How to diagnose browns tumor of hyperparathyroidism
Radiogrpahic: multilocular radiolucencies Blood ix: RP - chronic renal disease. Serum calcium reduced increase PTH
Types of CGCG
Aggressive lesion: Pain Rapid growth Cortical perforation Root resorption High recurrence Nonaggressive lesion: Painless Slow growing No cortical perforation No resorption Low to no recurrence
Radiographic features of CGCG
Non cortical well demarcated radiolucency Unilocular or Multilocular Commonly affecting anterior mandible & maxilla
What jaw lesions contain multinucleated giant cells
CGCG/CGT Browns tumor - require blood ix for hyperPTH Cherubism Aneurysmal bone cyst
What genetic diseases are CENTRAL giant cell lesions associated with
Brown tumors of hyperPTH a/w NFM-1 Cherubism Noonan syndrome
What is cherubism?
developmental jaw abnormality that is inherited as autosomal dominant trait - disease appear early as 1 yr - cherublike face with bilateral posterior mandible enlargement - increase scleral show (upturned eye) dt involvment of infraorbital bones - bilateral multilocular radiolucencies - malocclusion dt impacted teeth, resorption of teeth -usually resolves at forth decade
Bilateral multilocular radiolucency with no cortical borders
Treatment for CGCG
Tumor excision. High recurrent risk for aggressive type En bloc resection for aggressive type Corticosteroids (intralesional injection weekly x 6/52) Calcitonin (given ystemically - subQ 50-100IU x 6-9/12) Interferon alpha 2a (its an antiangiogenic - 3million units/m2 SQ - depends on size of lesion) For cherubism: Observation if no facial disfigurement Becos surgical enucleation leads to more aggressive recurrence Usually resolves at second-third decade of life For Brown tumor: Blood ix - renal profile; serum calcium; PTH levels