OS III, Ex II, auditory lecture 1 Flashcards
What are the 3 parts of the inner ear?
External, middle, inner
Parts of external ear?
auricle, ceruminous glands
Auricle is made of what?
elastic cartilage and sking
Parts of auricle?
helix, antihelix, tragus, antitragus, concha and lobule
What are ceruminous glands?
modified apocrine glands that secrete cerumen
What is ear wax?
combo of cercumen, sebacous gland secreation, and desquamated meatal cells
what are the external ear sebaceous glands associated with?
What nerves innervate the external ear and external acoustic meatus?
greater auricular, lesser occipital, auriculotemporal, facial and vagus
What innervates middle ear?
what connects tympanic cavity to nasopharynx?
auditory tube
What opens the tubal cartilage?
levatory tensor paliti, and salpingopharyngeus
what are used to amplify vibrations from membrane to oval window?
ossicles, malleus, incus, stabes
Oval window leads to where?
What muscles are activated to dampen vibrations through ossicles?
tensor tympani: low frequency, stapedius: extream stapes vibrations
What innervates the tensor tympani?
V3 - trigenimal
What innervates stapedius?
VII - facial
What is the chorda tympani?
Both a sensory and autonomic nerve that branches from facial VII to V#
What nerve has sensory neurons that mediates taste from front of tongue?
Chorda tympani off the facial nerve
What do the parasympathetics from the chorda tympani innervate?
Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
Why may the corda tympani be impacted by otitis media, ear infection of middle ear?
because it passes between tympanic membrane and malleus, the first ossicle
what is the center depression of tympanic membrane called?
umbo, its caused by malleous tension
What should you be able to see if looking at ear drum auriscopically?
malleus, incus, stapes, cone of light, tence and flacid parts
What can caouse otitus media?
Fluid buildup that blocks middle ear, negative pressue that pulls bacteria/virus up from pharynx.
What could an invection of middle ear do?
perforate tympanic membrane, then spread through tegmen tympani cause brain abcss or meningitis.
What conditon damages middle ear an mastoid by growing out of control?
What is choleasteaoma?
ear canal skin fills with cysts that migrate through porforation of tympanic membrane.can erode ossicles.
what part of inneer has the hearing receptors?
What is chochlea?
fluid filled spirally formed bony canal
What are the three parts of cochlea?
Chochlear duct (scala media) scala vestibuli (top), scala tympani (bottom)
What is the fluid of the cochlear ?
endo lymph that is screated by stria vascularis is in the cochlear duct while Periymph is in the scala vestibuli and tympani which are continuous.
Endolymph is high in what ion?
K + - potassium