ortho- shoulder Flashcards
Hoffman SIgn
Raise arm forward and feel grinding on the acromion– sub acromial impingement
cut the end of the acromion off to increase amount of space
- cut part of the clavicle off distally with a saw (i.e., distal clavicle resection)
Mumford Procedure
depression at area where humeral head used to be , indicative of
Sulcus sign, GH dislocation
2 signs of chronic subluxed GH
deltoid atrophy, poor abduction
pt prone, weight tied to wrist, hang arms off table
Stimson Tenchnique
sheet through axilla, pull up while another person pulls arm down
Traction Countertraction
Foot in axilla
Hippocratic Method
restraction, int/ext rotation, contraindicated in elderly women with osteoperosis
Kocher Method
> 40 y/o = <__% re-dislocation
repair the joint capsule and subscapularis by tightening it down to treat a______
GH dislocation
ii. Results from forceful impaction of the humeral head against the glenoid rim when the shoulder is dislocated anteriorly
Hill Sachs Lesion
i. Injury of the anterior glenoid labrum from repeated anterior shoulder dislocation
ii. Torn labrum
Bankart Lesion
two etiologies of rotator cuff tear
poorly vascularized and chronic impingement
three types of objective testing for rotator cuff tear
X-ray, MRI (x ray + soft tissue tears) and arthrogram (tear, extravastion, contrast into the subacromial bursa)
test for subscapularis tear
Gerber’s Lift Off- arm behind back and try to lift
test for supraspinatus tear
Empty Can test- arm out laterally and try to pour out can
two places that you should NEVER inject cortisone
achilles and biceps
have pt supinate and feel over the bicipital groove, name and what it is used for
Yerguson’s, biceps tendon tear assesment
pain with abduction above 90o because the clavicle begins to rotate and cause discomfort
AC separation
objective testing for BC tear
MRI and ultrasound
catching sensation which occurs at the scapula-thoracic joint
when patient raises his or her arm
Snapping Scapula
Objective testing of adhesive capsulitis
treatment for adhesive capsulitis
PT to cause breakdown of the adhesions