Organic Chemistry Special Topics Flashcards
Topics covered
Carbohydrates, nucleus acids, amino acids, peptides, proteins, lipids
Aka saccharides have the general formula of Cn(H2O)m
Simple carbohydrates
Polyhydroxylketones; contain the ketone group
Aliphatic Polyhydroxylaldehydes; contain the aldehyde functional group
Saccharides that cannot be hydrolyzed to simpler structures
Can be hydrolyzed to yield 2 monosaccharides
D or L configuration
The configuration of the chiral carbon farthest from the CO group confers to the carbohydrate a sterochemicsl prefix of D or L
Compounds whose stereochemistry differs at only one carbon
Diastereomers caused by two possible conformations of a hemiacetal ring
Anomeric carbon
The hemiacetal carbon C1
Product formed when anomeric carbon reacts with -OH group of an alcohol
Consist of several monosaccharides liked by glycosidic bonds
When polysaccharide contains up to ten monosaccharides
RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Contains phosphatesester backbones with two hydroxide on the sugar base
DNA (ddeoxyribonucleic acid)
Contains a phosphate water backbone with only one hydroxyl group on the sugar base
Building blocks of nucleus acids, which are glycosides of ribofuranose-or ribofuranosides beta, derived from cyclic D-ribose
Single ring base
Two ring base
When ribonucleosides are phosphorylated at their C5 carbon
Four common ribonucleotides
Cytidine monophosphate (CMP) Uridine monophosphate (UMP) Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) Guanosine monophosphate (GMP)
Four deoxyribonucleosides
Base pairing
When bases of DNA hydrogen bond with the other bases
Diplomat ions like amino acids
Isoelectric point
The pH at which the amino acid exists in equilibrium mixture of anionic and cationic forms
Amino acids linked together
Disulfide bridge
Covalent bond formed between two cysteine residues that link together two polypeptide chains
First amino acid in the sequence
A unit of mass equal to the mass of one hydrogen atom
Simple proteins
Polypeptide assemblies that hydrolyzed to their constituent amino acid residues
Conjugated proteins
Incorporate groups of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleus acids, and various prosthetic groups such as pigments
Prosthetic groups
Aka active groups, they are often the site of the main biochemical activity of protein
Levels of protein structure
Primary structure
Secondary structure
Tertiary structure quaternary structure
Primary structure
Refer to the covalent assembly or amino acid sequence and the presence of disulfide bridges
Secondary structure
Refers to the arrangements adopted by the amino acids sequence; alpha-helix, beta-pleated sheets, random coils
Tertiary structure
Represents the complete 3D conformation of the protein and the folding pattern of its secondary structure
Quaternary structure
The sum total of the protein assembly, including complication with ligands and inhibitors
Simple lipids
Simple hydrocarbon chains that do not hydrolyzed with acidic or basic solvents; terpenes (C5H8)n, steroids, prostaglandins
Complex lipids
Are esters of carboxylic acids; they are easy to hydrolyzed to acids and alcohols; include glycerides and waxes
Fatty acids
Aka complex lipids; glycerides are the fatty acid seers of glycerol
Triglycerides that are solid at room temperature
Triglycerides that are liquids at room temperature
Saturated fatty acid
Fatty acids with no double or triple bonds just plain hydrocarbon chain
Unsaturated fatty acids
Fatty acids with double bonds or triple bond in their hydrocarbon chain