Operating Limitations (Bold/Bonus) Flashcards
Flight Maneuvering Load Limit:
Other Configurations (Slats and/or Flaps Extended) -
- 1.0g to +2.5g
0. 0g to +2.0g
Approach Category A320/321NEO
Category C
Approach Category A321 ceo
Category D
Max Crosswind
TO - 35kts
Landing - 38kts
Max Tailwind Takeoff
A320/321NEO - 15kts
A321CEO - 10kts
Max Tailwind Landing
ALL A/C - 10kts
(Bonus) Runway Width Limitations
Normal Runways - 148 ft.
Minimum Runway Width - 100ft
(Bonus) Max Runway Slope
-/+ 2%
(Bonus) Max Pressure Alt for TO & LNDG
(Bonus) Minimum Runway Width
AC 227-229 & 601-699
All Other
(Bonus) Max Wind for Passenger Door Operation
(Bonus) Max wind for Cargo Door Operations
40kts / 50kts
50kts if nose of plane is oriented into the wind or cargo door is leeward of wind.
FWD/AFT Cargo doors must be closed before 65kts.
(Bonus) VMO/MMO
350KIAS / .82 Mach
(Bonus) VLO (Retraction)
220kts / 0.54 Mach
(Bonus) VLO (Extension)
250kts / 0.60 Mach
(Bonus) VLE (Extended)
280kts / 0.67 Mach
Max Tire Speed
195kts Groundspeed
Max Windshield Wiper Operation Speed
230 KIAS
Only for sweeping wipers
Max Cockpit Window Speed
200 KIAS
Max Taxi Speed in a turn - A/C 205-299
(greater than 167,550 lbs)
A/C 205-299 - 20kts during a turn
Maximum Flaps/Slats Extended Altitude
20,000ft MSL
(Bonus) Max Landing Weight 321NEO
174,606 lbs
(Bonus) Max landing weight 320
142,198 lbs / 148,591 lbs (NEO)
(Bonus) Max landing weight 321CEO
171,520 lbs
Stabilized Approach Policy
1. Rate of Descent 1200FPM or less
2. One dot ILS/LOC or .30 NM RNAV (Lateral)
3. Glidepath ONE DOT (Vertical)
4. Final Configuration
5. NO GPWS Warnings and Cautions
500 FT:
- Rate of Descent 1000FPM or less
- Speed -5 to +15 KTS.
- Thrust Stabilized, usually above idle, commensurate with power required to maintain speed
- Landing checklist complete
(Bonus) T.O Inhibit duration?
1500 ft or 2 min after liftoff
(Bonus) LDG Inhibit duration?
Below 800ft till 80kts
Max Operational Pressure Altitude
(Bonus) Landing on Narrow Runways
Autoland is not authorized
Dispatch from/to narrow runways not allowed in case of: NWS inop, one or more brake inop.
Diversion to normal width runways (148ft) recommended in case of:
Rudder Jam, rudder pedal jam, yaw damper system fault, rudder travel limit system fault, all failures leading to loss of NWS(yellow sys loss, double hydraulic/BSCU/LGCIU faults)
Max Altitiude to start the APU using battery power only?
What is the A/P minimum engagement height after TO (if SRS is indicated)?
100ft AGL and at least 5s after liftoff.
What is the A/P min engagment height enroute?
900ft AGL
At what height must the A/P be turned off for an RNAV Visual App?
500ft AGL
At what height must the A/P be turned off for NON-Precision APP?
At what height must the A/P be turned off a non-autoland ILS with CAT 1 FMA?
160ft AGL
At what height must the A/P be turned off for a non-autoland ILS with CAT 2/3 FMA?
80ft AGL
When must the A/P be turned off after an autoland app?
ROLLOUT/Taxi Speed
When is autoland required?
Autoland is required below CAT 1 mins. Or if the reported RVR/Visibility is at or below 1/2 mile or 2400RVR and for all the requirements to be met (environmental, aircraft, ground equip, and crew).
What is the maximum time limit to use TOGA thrust with all engines running? How about of one engine inop?
5 Min - 2Eng
10 Min - Single Engine
Takeoff at reduced thrust is proibited when?
- On slippery or contaminated runways
- When suspected, reported, or known windshear is present.
- When a special departure procedure specifies full thrust for TO.
What is the max altitude to start the APU using battery power only?
Max time for using TOGA with 2 ENG? What about 1 ENG?
5 min (2 engine) 10 mins (single engine)
Takeoff at reduced thrust is prohibited:
A. On Slippery or Contaminated runways
B. When suspected, reported or known wind shear is present (Predictive wind shear alerts, ATC issued alerts)
C. When a Special Departure Procedure specifies full thrust for takeoff.