OOMA/OIMA Flashcards
What functional requirements of the NAMP are satisfied by I-Level OOMA?
Manage maintenance and supply functions by allowing users to input, receive and review information.
What functional requirements of the NAMP does O-Level OOMA satisfy?
improve mission capability, A/C maintenance and supply support, upline reports for the DOD and modernized management support.
What is the purpose of maintenance in OOMA?
Collect and process maintenance data for other subsystems
What is the purpose of flight in OOMA?
Collects and processes flight data for other subsystems.
What is the purpose of logs/records in OOMA?
Creates configuration profiles for aircraft, engines, modules and components.
What is the purpose of personnel in OOMA?
Reserved for future use.
What is the purpose of assets in OOMA?
Used to inventory and process inspection-related data on aeronautical equipment, SE, IMRL, and Aviation Life Support Systems [ALSS]
What is the purpose of data analysis in OOMA?
Provides the 3M analyst with the ability to approve, disapprove, re-induct, and close out MAF and flight records for upline submissions.
What is the purpose of adhoc query in OOMA?
Creates user specific needed or requested reports.
What is the purpose for maintenance activity in OOMA?
Allows documentation of maintenance actions, ordering parts, maintain ICRL data, and request inquiries
What are the 3 sections in Configuration status accounting in OOMA?
Aircraft engines, support equipment, technical directives
What is the purpose for personnel management in OOMA?
Contains information on personnel with access for workload management and to verify authorization for sign offs, QA inspections, MAF review and other job functions
What is the purpose for assets management in OOMA?
Contains inventory and utilization data for SE and IMRL
What is the purpose for material requirement processing in OOMA?
Covers material requirements for maintenance like repairable/consumable parts and indirect material support items
What is the purpose for system support in OOMA?
Shows on screen messages that are waiting action
What is the purpose for data off/on load in OOMA?
Generates files, reports, and documents for temporarily or permanently transferred SE and temporarily transferred personnel
What is the purpose for Technical publications in OOMA?
Provides an automated technical library tracking system
What the purpose of Maintenance Action Forms (MAF)?
Used to document maintenance actions
What is a WUC?
Work unit code. Identifies the system or subsystem
What is a JCN?
Job control number. 9-11 character code that is the base for Maintenance Data Reporting (MDR) and maintenance control procedures.
What is a MCN?
MAF control number. Code assigned by OOMA that is the base for MDRs and maintenance control procedures. Tracks the MAF through the maintenance process
What is the discrepancy block on a MAF?
It’s the reported discrepancy.
What is the corrective action block on a MAF?
Action taken to correct a discrepancy
What is the when discovered code on a MAF?
A single alpha character indicating when the discrepancy was found.
What is the type equipment code on a MAF?
4 digit code that identifies the type of equipment being worked on.
What is the type maintenance code on a MAF?
One character, either alpha or numeric, used to describe the type of work being performed.
What is a Special Maintenance Qualification SMQ?
It determines what the user has access to in OOMA
What are security considerations for OOMA log in and passwords?
Protect your password, don’t share it or write it down, always log off and know who the security personnel are.