Older Adults Flashcards
Subgroups of late adulthood:
Young old – 65 to 74 years
Middle old – 75 to 84 years
Old old – 85 to 99 years
Elite old – 100 years +
which is discrimination against people because of increasing age.
Older adult Stereotypes:
Ill, disabled, and unattractive
Forgetful, confused, rigid, boring, and unfriendly
Unable to learn and understand new information
Not interested in sex or sexual activities
Stochastic theory:
view aging as the result of random cellular damage that occurs over time
Nonstochastic theory:
view aging as the result of genetically programmed physiological mechanisms within the body that control the process of aging
Disengagement theory:
states that aging individuals withdraw from customary roles and engage in more introspective, self focused activities
Activity theory:
considers the continuation of activities performed during middle age as necessary for successful aging
Continuity or developmental theory:
personality remains stable and behavior becomes more predictable as people age
older adult experiences a shift in perspective with age
Biological theories:
- Stochastic or nonstochastic
- Wear-and-Tear
Psychosocial theories:
- Disengagement
- Activity
- Continuity or developmental
- Gerotranscendence
Older Adult Interview Techniques:
- Sit or stand at eye level, in front of the patient in full view
- Face them while speaking, do not cover mouth, speak clearly
- Provide diffuse, bright, nonglare lighting
- Encourage use of familiar assistive devices such as glasses or magnifiers
Health Issues:
Decreased nutrition & hydration Decreased mobility Stress & loss Accidents Drug use & misuse Mental health/ cognition problems (including substance abuse) Elder neglect & abuse
Some mental changes are often
drug related, caused by drug toxicity or adverse drug events.
Functional Changes are usually linked to
illness or to disease and degree of chronicity.
What are your best resources for a comprehensive assessment?
Occupational and physical therapists
Delirium definition:
Acute confusional state
-Hyperactive, hypoactive, mixed hypoactive
Generalized impairment of intellectual functioning