Of Mice and Men - Section 6 Flashcards
What happens to the water snake in the opening of this section?
It is violently eaten by a heron - possibly a symbol of the cruelty of nature.
What animal is Lennie compared to as he enters the clearing?
A bear.
Who does Lennie have a vision of in this section?
Aunt Clara.
“She wore thick bull’s-eye glasses and she wore a huge gingham apron with pockets, and she was starched and clean.” Who is being described here?
Aunt Clara.
What does Aunt Clara tell Lennie off about?
How he’s ruined George’s life and made him miserable.
After Aunt Clara disappears, what comes out of Lennie’s head next?
A giant rabbit.
What time of day is this section set?
Late afternoon - “the sun had left the valley”
“You ain’t fit to lick the boots of no rabbit.” Who says this, and to whom?
A giant rabbit, to Lennie.
When Lennie tells George that “I done another bad thing”, what is George’s response?
“It don’t make no difference.”
“Jesus Christ, Lennie! You can’t remember nothing that happens, but you remember _______” What does George say to Lennie?
Every word I say.
Lennie said craftily: “_____________” What does Lennie ask George to do here?
“Tell me like you done before.”
What instructions does George give to Lennie before making him look out over the river?
“Take off your hat.”
“Look across the river Lennie, and I’ll tell you so _____________” What does George say here?
“you can almost see it.”
While reciting the dream, what does George pull out of his pocket?
Carlson’s Luger.
Where does George shoot Lennie?
“Where the spine and skull were joined.”
What is George’s hand doing as he prepares to shoot Lennie?
“The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied.”
“A guy got to sometimes.” Who says this to George?
“Now what the hell you suppose is eatin’ them two guys?” Who speaks the last line in the novel?