Of Mice and Men - Section 1 Flashcards
What is the name of the town where the novel is set and what does it mean?
Soledad, and it roughly translates as loneliness.
What is the name of the river?
The Salinas River
What is the name of the mountain range?
The Gabilan Mountains
Who is “small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features”?
What animals is Lennie compared to in the opening section?
“the way a bear drags his paws”, “snorting into the water like a horse” and “like a terrier”
Why are George and Lennie in the clearing in the first place?
The bus driver has dropped them off four miles out of Soledad. They will have to walk to the ranch.
What did George and Lennie receive at Murray and Ready’s?
Work cards and bus tickets.
What does Lennie have in his pocket in the opening exchanges?
A dead mouse.
What instructions does George give to Lennie for when they get to the ranch?
Lennie is instructed to let George do the talking.
What is the name of the town that George and Lennie were run out of?
What is Lennie’s favourite food?
“I like beans with ketchup.”
George sends Lennie to gather firewood - but what else does he return with?
The dead mouse that George had previously thrown away.
Why did Aunt Clara stop giving Lennie mice?
Because he always killed them.
“If I was alone I could live so easy.” - who speaks these lines?
Why did George and Lennie get run out of their previous employment?
Lennie held on to a girl’s dress in Weed. They had to hide in an irrigation ditch to avoid an angry mob.
“When I think of the swell time I could have without you, I go nuts.” - who speaks this line?
In response to George’s anger about their situation, what does Lennie offer to do?
Go away and live in a cave.
“Tell me - like you done before.” Who speaks this line?
“Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the ___________________”. Complete this key quotation.
“Loneliest guys in the world.”
“Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.” Who speaks this line?
What animal is Lennie particularly looking forward to having on their future dream farm?
The rabbits.
George gives Lennie some specific instructions for what to do if there’s trouble on the ranch. What are they?
Return to the clearing.