Lord of the Flies - Chapters 9 and 10 Flashcards
A View To A Death
What are some of the physical effects on Simon during his discussion with ‘The Lord of the Flies’?
A blood vessel bursts in his nose, dehydration, headaches.
A View To A Death
The Lord of the Flies hung on his stick like a _____________.
Complete the simile used to describe the Lord of the Flies.
Black ball.
A View To A Death
What does Simon discover on top of the mountain? What does he do as a result?
The body of the parachutist. He runs off to tell the boys.
A View To A Death
“P’raps we ought to go too.”
Ralph looked at him quickly and Piggy blushed. "I mean--to make sure nothing happens."
Where do Ralph and Piggy want to go?
To visit Jack’s tribe.
A View To A Death
Who is described as “painted and garlanded” at the head of the feast?
A View To A Death
“Evening was come, not with calm beauty but with the ________________________.”
What does Ralph sense on the air at the feast?
The threat of violence.
A View To A Death
“Give me a drink.”
Who is using lots of imperatives in this chapter?
A View To A Death
What does Jack say ‘doesn’t count’ on his end of the island?
The conch.
A View To A Death
What is Jack’s response to Ralph threatening to blow the conch and call an assembly?
“We shan’t hear it.”
A View To A Death
“Come away. There’s going to be trouble. And we’ve had our meat.”
Who speaks these lines?
A View To A Death
What is the weather like during the feast? What technique would we call this?
It’s set during a thunderstorm - this is a clear example of pathetic fallacy.
A View To A Death
What do the boys begin to do after they have eaten?
They perform their “dance”, reenacting the death of a pig.
A View To A Death
“There was the throb and stamp of a ___________.“
How are the group of boys described here?
A “single organism”
A View To A Death
“Now out of the terror rose another desire, _____, _____, ____.”
What adjectives does William Golding use to describe the growing violence of the boys?
Thick, urgent, blind.
A View To A Death
“A thing was crawling out of the forest.”
Who or what stumbles into the boys’ violent circle?
A View To A Death
What do the boys chant throughout this chapter?
“Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”
A View To A Death
Who is killed by the boys in this chapter?
Simon - the boys mistake him for ‘The Beast’.
The Shell and The Glasses
What does Ralph say that the death of Simon was?
“That was murder.”
The Shell and the Glasses
What does Ralph do in response to Piggy’s “I got the conch” line?
He laughs - the conch is pretty meaningless at this point in the novel.
The Shell and The Glasses
What does Piggy say that Simon’s death was?
“An accident.”
The Shell and the Glasses
Who are the only boys not in Jack’s tribe at this point?
Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric.
The Shell and the Glasses
What have the boys at Castle Rock set up to protect themselves?
A rock and a lever - they could crush anyone who tried to enter…if they wanted.
The Shell and the Glasses
“He’s a proper chief, isn’t he?”
Who says this about Jack?
The Shell and the Glasses
How does Jack punish Wilfred?
He ties him up and beats him.
The Shell and The Glasses
How is Jack referred to in this chapter? Why is that significant?
He’s simply known as ‘the chief’ - it means his former identity is almost lost…
The Shell and The Glasses
What do Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric try to build?
A fire.
The Shell and The Glasses
Ralph settled himself for his nightly game of supposing. . . .
What are some of the things Ralph imagines as he’s going to sleep?
Dartmoor, wild ponies, train journeys…but he realises the “attraction of the wildness has gone.”
The Shell and The Glasses
What sound wakes Ralph up in this chapter?
The sound of Sam and Eric fighting.
The Shell and The Glasses
“If we don’t get home soon we’ll be barmy.”
Who speaks this warning in the chapter?
The Shell and The Glasses
What is Ralph awoken by for the second time in this chapter?
Piggy - he can hear the noise of Jack’s tribe outside the tent.
The Shell And The Glasses
“A voice whispered horribly outside.”
What do Jack’s tribe say when they’re lurking outside the shelters?
They say Piggy’s name repeatedly.
The Shell and The Glasses
What do Ralph’s tribe assume that the boys have stolen?
The conch.
The Shell and The Glasses
“From his left hand dangled _________________.”
What have Jack and his tribe actually taken in this chapter?
Piggy’s broken glasses.
The Shell and The Glasses
What is Piggy’s response to the theft in this chapter?
“Ralph–what am I going to do?”