Of Mice and Men - Section 4 Flashcards
Who has their bunk in the harness room?
What are some of the personal possessions in Crooks’ room?
“several pairs of shoes”, “books”, “a tattered dictionary”, “battered magazines”, “a pair of large gold-rimmed spectacles.”
Steinbeck tells us Crooks’ room is fairly neat - why?
Because Crooks is a “proud, aloof man”
“He kept his distance and demanded other people kept theirs.” Who is being described?
“His eyes…seemed to glitter with intensity.” Whose eyes are being described?
Who goes to visit Crooks’ bunk first, and why?
Lennie, because he saw the light and wanted to look at his puppy. George has gone into town with the other workers.
What is Crooks’ initial reaction to Lennie’s visit?
“You got no right to come in my room. This here’s my room.”
“They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink to me.” Who says this?
“Sometimes he talks, and you don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Ain’t that so?” Who is speaking, and what are they speaking about?
Crooks is talking about George and Lennie’s relationship.
“If I say something, why it’s just a ___________.” What does Crooks say here?
“just a nigger saying it.”
“S’pose George don’t come back no more.” Who suggests this to Lennie?
“A guy goes nuts if he ain’t go nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long he’s with you.” Who says this?
What has everyone got in their head according to Crooks?
“a little piece of land.”
“Nobody ever gets to _________ and nobody ever gets no _________”. Complete Crooks’ quotation about the dream.
“Nobody ever gets to Heaven, and nobody ever gets no land.”
Who joins Crooks and Lennie in the stables?
“You’ll talk about it a hell of a lot, but you won’t get no land.” Who dismisses the dream in this way?
Despite his initial scepticism, what does Crooks offer when he hears about Candy’s money?
To work on the farm for George and Lennie.
Who interrupts the discussion of the dream between Crooks, Candy and Lennie?
Curley’s Wife.
“They left all the weak ones here.” Who says this about the gathering in Crooks’ room?
Curley’s Wife.
“You’re all scared of each other, that’s what. Every one of you’s scared the rest is going to get something on you.” Who says this?
Curley’s Wife.
“You all seen him. Swell guy, ain’t he?” Who is Curley’s Wife talking about here?
Curley (sarcastically)
What does Candy tell Curley’s Wife about Curley’s hand?
That it got “caught in a machine.”
“I tell ya I could of went with shows.” Who says this?
Curley’s Wife.
“Standin’ here talking to a ____ and a ____ and a _____, an’ liking it cause their ain’t nobody else.” How does Curley’s Wife describe Crooks, Lennie and Candy?
A nigger, a dum-dum and a lousy old sheep.
Who gets angry and asks Curley’s Wife to leave?
“If you had two bits in the world you’d be getting two shots of corn with it and sucking the bottom of the glass.” Who else dismisses the dream in this section?
Curley’s Wife.
How does Lennie respond when Curley’s Wife asks him how he got the bruises on his face?
“He got his hand caught in a machine.”
“Listen Nigger,” she said, “You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?” What is Curley’s Wife threatening Crooks with?
An accusation that would likely result in his lynching.
“____ had reduced himself to nothing.” Who has done this, and why?
Crooks, because of the threats of being “strung up on a tree” from Curley’s Wife.
How does Crooks address Curley’s Wife after she threatens to get him “strung up on a tree”?
“It doesn’t matter. You guys comin’ and settin’ made me forget. What she says is true.” Who says this after Curley’s Wife leaves?
What does Crooks withdraw at the end of the section?
His offer to work for George and Lennie.