Of Mice and Men - Section 5 Flashcards
What time of day does this section take place?
Sunday afternoon.
Who is in the barn at the start of this section, and why?
Lennie, because he has killed his new puppy.
“Why do you got to get killed?” Who says this, and to whom?
Lennie, to his ex-puppy.
Curley’s Wife enters the barn - what does Lennie do with the body of the puppy?
“In a panic, he shovelled hay over the puppy with his fingers.”
What is Curley’s Wife wearing in this section?
“She wore her bright cotton dress and the mules with the red ostrich feathers.”
Why is Lennie initially reluctant to talk to Curley’s Wife?
Because George had previously told him not to.
“I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.” Who says this?
Curley’s Wife.
“How’d you like not to talk to anybody?” Who asks Lennie this question?
Curley’s Wife.
According to Curley’s Wife, what is the whole country full of?
Why wouldn’t Curley’s Wife’s mother let her leave with a travelling show in town?
She was only 15.
Curley’s Wife met a man in the Riverside Dance Palace who said he was going to _____ and that she was a _____. Complete the blanks!
“He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural.”
Why does Curley’s Wife believe she never received a letter from the men who offered her acting jobs?
Her ‘old lady’ (mother) stole and hid them.
What does Curley’s Wife believe she could’ve been in?
“Coulda been in the movies.”
Who does Curley’s Wife express dislike for in this section?
Curley - “I don’ like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.”
Curley’s Wife asks Lennie why he’s so nuts about rabbits. What is Lennie’s (slightly creepy) reply?
“I like to pet nice things with my fingers, soft things.”
“Lennie’s big fingers fell to _______” What does Lennie start doing?
“Stroking her [Curley’s Wife] hair”
“Please don’t,” he begged. “Oh please don’t do that! George’ll be mad.” What does Lennie ask Curley’s Wife to stop doing?
What simile does Steinbeck use to describe Curley’s Wife’s body as it’s being shaken by Lennie?
“Flopped like a fish”
“Then she was still, for ______” Complete the quotation!
Lennie had broken her neck.
“I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing.” Who says this in this section?
Lennie, after realising he’s killed Curley’s Wife.
Where does Lennie go after he’s killed Curley’s Wife? Why?
He goes to the clearing from the start of the novel, because of George’s instructions to do so if there was any trouble.
When describing her dead body, what does John Steinbeck tell us was gone from her face?
“the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face.”
What adjectives does John Steinbeck use to describe Curley’s Wife’s dead body?
Pretty, Simple, Sweet, Young.
Who discovers Curley’s Wife’s body?
“Now Candy spoke his greatest fear.” What is Candy’s greatest fear, spoken after he discovers the body of Curley’s Wife?
“You an’ me can get that little place, can’t we George? You an’ me can go there an’ live nice can’t we? Can’t we?”
“He knew.” What has Candy realised in this simple sentence?
That the dream will never happen.
What names does Candy call Curley’s Wife when he’s alone with her body?
“Lousy tart”, “God damn tramp”.
Who does Curley believe killed his wife?
Lennie. And he’s right.
What do the ranch hands want to do to Lennie after discovering Curley’s Wife’s body?
Kill him. Curley: “I’ll shoot him in the guts.”
What does Carlson realise has been taken before the men leave to hunt for Lennie?
His Luger.
What lie does George tell the men about Lennie’s location?
That Lennie would have travelled south rather than return o the clearing.
“I’m gonna shoot the guts out of that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand.” Who says this?
___________ lay down in the hay and covered his eyes with his arm. Who does this at the end of the section?
Old Candy.