Lord of the Flies - Chapters 5 and 6 Flashcards
Beast from Water
“This meeting must not be fun, but ________.”
What is Ralph determined to make the meeting on the beach?
Beast from Water
“Only, decided Ralph as he faced the chief’s seat, I can’t ________. Not like Piggy.”
What does Ralph doubt his ability to do in this chapter?
Beast From Water
“We need an assembly. Not for fun. Not for laughing and falling off the log”–the group of littluns on the twister giggled and looked at each other–“not for making jokes, or for”–he lifted the conch in an effort to find the compelling word–“for cleverness. Not for these things. But to…”
What reason does Ralph give for the assembly?
To put things straight.
Beast From Water
“We have lots of assemblies. Everybody enjoys speaking and being together. We decide things. But they don’t get done.”
Who speaks these lines?
Beast From Water
“_________is the most important thing on the island.” What does Ralph tell the rest of the boys is the most important thing on the island?
The fire.
Beast From Water
“But I tell you the smoke is more important than ______________, however often you kill one. Do all of you see?”
What does Ralph think is the smoke is more important than during the meeting?
“The pig”
Beast From Water
“You voted me for chief. Now you ___________.”
How does Ralph try to assert his authority over the group here?
“Do what I say.”
EXT: How does this show Ralph’s attitude to leadership changing?
Beast From Water
“Things are breaking up. I don’t understand why. We began well; we were happy. And then–”
This is a key quotation from the novel: who speaks it?
Beast From Water
What controversial topic does Ralph want to discuss during the meeting?
“The fear” or “The beast”
Beast From Water
Do Jack and Ralph say that there is a beast on the island during the meeting?
No. In fact, Jack says: “Well then–I’ve been all over this island. By myself. If there were a beast I’d have seen it. Be frightened because you’re like that–but there is no beast in the forest.”
Beast from Water
Who gets interrupted during the meeting, even though they have the conch? What does this reveal about their power in the group?
Piggy - it reveals he has very little power.
Beast From Water
What is “Life” according to Piggy?
Beast From Water
During the argument about the beast, Piggy says there is no beast unless…
“Unless we get frightened of people.”
Beast From Water
During the meeting, one of the littluns describes seeing the beast in the night - who or what is it revealed to be?
Simon, going off to visit his mysterious clearing.
Beast From Water
What is the name of the littlun who speaks in front of the group? What key detail does he repeat at the start of his speech?
Percival. He repeats his home address to the group. And then bursts into tears.
Beast From Water
What do all the littluns begin to do as the discussion about the Beast becomes more heated?
They begin to cry.
Beast From Water
Where do the littluns say that the beast is attacking from? (Clue’s in the title…)
The sea.
Beast From Water
“Maybe,” he said hesitantly, “maybe there is a beast.”
Who proposes this during the meeting?
Simon - he then says “What I mean is . . . maybe it’s only us.”
Beast From Water
“Who cares what you believe–Fatty!”
Who says this during the meeting?
Beast From Water
“because we can’t have proper assemblies if you don’t ____________.”
What does Ralph say causes the break-up of assemblies?
Stick to the rules!
Beast From Water
“The world, that understandable and lawful world, was ________________.”
What is happening to the ‘old world’ that the boys have come from?
It is “Slipping away.”
Beast From Water
“What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?”
Who asks this question during the meeting?
Beast From Water
“And you shut up! Who are you, anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do. You can’t hunt, you can’t sing–”
Who says these lines during the argument, and who are they talking about?
Jack, and he’s talking about Ralph.
Beast From Water
“The rules!” shouted Ralph. “You’re breaking the rules!”
What is Jack’s response to this?
“Bollocks to the rules!”
Beast From Water
Why doesn’t Ralph blow the conch when the group disperse at the end of the assembly?
“If I blow the conch and they don’t come back; then we’ve had it. We shan’t keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued.”
Beast From Water
“I’m scared of him,” said Piggy, “and that’s why I know him. If you’re scared of someone you hate him but you can’t stop thinking about him.”
Who is Piggy talking about here?
Jack Merridew
Beast From Water
“We’re all drifting and things are going rotten. At home there was always a grownup. Please, sir, please, miss; and then you got an answer. How I wish!”
Who makes this complaint after the meeting has broken up?
Beast From Water
“A thin wail out of the darkness chilled them and set them grabbing for each other. Then the wail rose, remote and unearthly,’ and turned to an inarticulate gibbering.”
What spooks the boys at the end of this chapter?
Percival’s wailing: Percival Wemys Madison, of the Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony, lying in the long grass, was living through circumstances in which the incantation of his address was powerless to help him.
Beast From Air
What happens at the beginning of the chapter?
A parachutist (unfortunately dead) lands on the island in the night.
Beast From Air
Who is tending to the fire in the morning? Why do they stop?
Sam and Eric - they stop as they hear the flapping of the parachute in the wind.
Beast From Air
Who do Sam and Eric go to to tell them of their encounter with ‘the beast’?
Beast From Air
What does Ralph do when he hears the account of ‘the beast’ from Sam and Eric?
Calls an assembly.
Beast From Air
What does Jack want to do in response to the story of the beast?
“This’ll be a real hunt! Who’ll come?”
He wants to hunt it, obviously.
Beast From Air
“Couldn’t we–kind of–stay here? Maybe the beast won’t come near us.”
Who proposes this cowardly strategy?
Beast From Air
“Conch! Conch!” shouted ______________. “We don’t need the conch any more.”
Who wants to get rid of the conch?
Beast From Air
“I mean–how about us? Suppose the beast comes when you’re all away. I can’t see proper, and if I get scared–”
Why can’t Piggy see properly?
Jack broke his glasses.
Beast From Air
Where does Jack propose visiting for the first time on the island?
Castle Rock - this is will later be the Hunters’ base.
“The tail-end part, where the rocks are all piled up. I’ve been near there. The rock makes a sort of bridge. There’s only one way up.”
Beast From Air
Who “felt a flicker of incredulity” (didn’t believe it) in this chapter?
Beast From Air
Who goes first into Castle Rock?
Beast From Air
“What a place for a fort!”
Who says this about Castle Rock?
Beast From Air
“This is a rotten place.” - who says this about Castle Rock?
Beast From Air
What do the boys start doing in Castle Rock? What does it foreshadow?
Tipping large rocks into the ocean - foreshadowing the death of Piggy.
Beast From Air
What does Ralph want to do when they leave Castle Rock?
Return to the fire and ensure that it’s still burning.
Beast From Air
What could the fire represent in the novel?
‘Civilisation’ or ‘order’. The fact that it goes out shows the boys’ journey into savagery.