Oddballs - Sugar Gliders, Hedgehog, Praire Dog Flashcards
Which species are volant?
What anatomical structure allows them to do this?
- Sugar Gliders
- Patagium
What predisposes Sugar Gliders to blindness?
- their well developed Tapetum lucidum
- avascular retina
(both give them superior night vision)
List the unique features of female sugar glider reproductive anatomy.
- 2 uteri
- 2 vaginas
(require OHE)
What are the husbandry guidelines for Sugar Gliders?
- House in groups
- Provide areas to glide
- Need hide boxes
- Diet is seasonally in the wild → need diversity
What are the venipuncture sites available to use for sampling in Sugar Gliders?
Small sample:
- Medial tibial a.
- Lateral tail v.
Large sample
- Jugular v.
- Cranial vena cava
What is a nutritional dz. seen in Sugar Gliders?
- Nutritional Fibrous Osteodystrophy
- Paresis of rear limbs
- Incoordination
- Pathologic FXs
- Don’t glide
- Diarrhea
- Blindess
Why should you keep Sugar Gliders in pairs?
- Stress related diseases
- self mutilation
- aberrant behavior
List the 3 neoplasias seen in Sugar Gliders.
- Cutaneous lymphosarcoma
- Basal Cell Tumor → mammary gland
- Bronchogenic carcinoma
What is the preferred temp for Hedgehogs?
(desert species)
What are the special senses a hedgehog has?
- Smell → large vomeronasal organ
- Anting, Self Anointing → defense against predators
Why should you not distrub a mommy hedgehog and her hoglets?

She will possibly cannibalize or desert her young if distrubed
You should not breed hedgehogs before what age?
6 months
Husbandry guidelines for Hedgehogs?
- Keep at 70-80°F
- Smooth sided cage w/ adequate bedding
- PVC hide box
- Some sort of means for exercise (hamster wheel)
Which species can you feed dry, reduced calorie cat food to?
Which injections should you try to avoid in Hedgehogs?
- Dorsal SQ
- IV
Etiology of quill loss in Hedgehogs?
- Chorioptic
- Sarcoptic
- Carparinia tripillis
Fungal integumentary dz’s in Hedgehogs?
- Microsporum spp.
- Trichophyton erinacei (non-pruritic)
Why are hedgehogs prone to obesity?
have a lower basal metabolic rate b/c they are a desert species
List 3 Neoplasms seen in Hedgehogs.
- Lymphosarcoma
Which species are obligate nasal breathers & have trigonal anal sac ducts?
Prairie Dogs
What type of castration would you perform on a Prairie Dog?
Closed Castration
(have open inguinal rings)
Diet of Prairie Dogs?
Strict herbivores
Husbandry guidelines for Prairie dogs?
- like to dig
- wire enclosure (will chew through wood)
- 65-75°F
- Nest box for sleeping
- Provide deep bedding
List sites for blood sampling in a Prairie Dog.
Small samples
- Saphenous v.
- Cephalic v.
Large samples
- Jugular v.
- Cranial vena cava
What drugs are contraindicated in Prairie dogs (may cause Dysbiosis)?
- Macrolides
- Lincosamides
- Penicillins → parenteral ONLY & w/ caution
What is the #1 dz. seen in prairie dogs?
Why were Prairie Dogs once banned as pets?
Harbor Monkey Pox (zoonotic) for which there is no current TX
Prairie dogs are a known reservior for what other zoonotic dz?
How do you DX?
- Yersinia pestis (Bubonic Plaque)
- Serologic testing
What condition can lead to dyspnea in a Prairie dog?
- enlargement of upper incisor tooth root
Scientific name for Hedgehog?

Atelerix Albiventris
Scientific name for Sugar Glider?

Petaurus breviceps
Scientific name for Prairie dog?

Cynomys ludovicianus